Dayne Shuda

Social Media Risk? Not for Companies That Blog.

Social media risk? There is no such thing for companies that blog. A recent article on eMarketer looked into the fact that some social media sites pose a risk for companies. The only thing not covered was how a company that blogs avoids those risks…

You Might Already Be Writing Great Business Blog Content

Small businesses are often strapped for time. When it comes to blogging there might be a want or even a need, but when it comes to priorities and time there just isn’t a way to squeeze in business blogging. But what if you’re already creating content?

How to Target the Drama Queens

Have you ever noticed how some people are magnets for drama? It’s not a coincidence. People like to feel like their lives are filled with emotionally ups and downs. In reality, we live pretty straight line lives. But if you tap into the drama-need in people you’ll be on to something…

An Example of How Business Blogging Works

We’re working on some case studies of how we and our clients have had blogging work for them. The main focus will be on increasing sales through new customer acquisition. Here is a quick look at how it worked for GBW just the other day.

Guest Blogging (and all Outreach) is Not About SEO

Slowly but surely the SEO world is starting to realize that another one of their popular strategies is not going to work as they intended in the long run. This time the focus is on guest blogging. It’s a good article for those out there still focusing on SEO…

The Wong Questions to Ask About Content Marketing

When starting a content marketing strategy for your business you’ll have questions. These are the wrong questions to ask. If you’re thinking about these you need to alter your mindset just a bit to prepare yourself for success.

Ignore Social Media

That’s right. You should be ignoring social media. There is nothing in the social media world worth your time. The entire thing is a big time suck. Here is what you should focus on doing.

Are You Investing in Email and Website Marketing?

A recent study showed how small B2B businesses are using marketing. Some are looking at social media as a possible way to market, but they aren’t putting their money there yet. Instead the focus remains on email and website because those two are the most effective.