Desiree Homer

Marketing & Sales Are Not the Same: 5 Things to Know to Improve Conversions

How’s business? If you’re like most owners and entrepreneurs, you’d say it’s kind of crazy these days. Customer preferences are shifting, markets are changing, and then there’s the economy. But kudos to you for continued staying power and the ability to remain flexible and dynamic! But the struggle is still real, and we get it. Connecting with new customers requires a whole new playbook these days. So, here’s my next set of questions… How’s your marketing? How are your sales? If you’re assuming both are the same question, they’re not. In fact, there are clear distinctions between marketing and sales. And if you’re still chasing down best practices for both without separating them and setting proper results expectations, you probably

AI in Writing: What Today’s Marketers Need to Know

Innovation is king, especially in business. And if you’re not on the right side of innovation, your business is heading for obsoletion in a hurry. But not all technology is going to be a magic wand solution. And no matter how bright and shiny it is, it might not be a good fit for your company, your business model, or your bottom line. One such wave of technology that’s sweeping the marketing community right now by storm is artificial intelligence tools for content. Content is the new currency, and you know that without it, whether in the form of social posts, blogs, newsletters, or web copy, you’re doomed for failure. But who has time for all that writing and creative

22 Podcasts, Influencers & Thought Leaders You Should Be Following for Improving Leadership

As a business leader or professional in your given field, you understand the value of continued learning and adapting. You’re always exploring new ideas and soaking up knowledge that you can transform into applicable strategies for your business and leadership style. And some of the best advice you can find these days is among the top leadership influencers online and business podcasts. But let’s be honest. The market is flooded with “leadership noise” from a whole bunch of people who really have no businesses offering advice, too. So, how can you get selective about which resources to follow? Ta-da! We’ve done all the heavy lifting for you. We perused the internet and scoured all the “best of” lists of podcasts,

Mindset Matters: 7 Tips for Shifting to a More Successful Life Perspective

How’s your mindset lately? Are you stressed? Do you catch yourself reciting negative self-talk? Are you feeling overly critical of others? Or worse, has someone called your attention to your recent negativity?  It’s entirely normal to fall into these traps, in both your business life and your personal life sometimes. What’s not normal, however, is staying in those toxic mindsets for any length of time. THAT’S when the negativity can take over and start shifting other aspects of your life and relationships. The good news is that positive mindsets work the same way. And all you really need to do is recognize the negative when you experience it and take steps to shift your mindset back to a more positive

Why Today’s Sales Strategies Rely on Relationship-Building Skills

Let’s cut to the chase. What you really want, as a company leader or business owner, is more sales. You want to land more clients and boost your company revenue. And you’re looking for any real-life insights to improve your sales methods and bottom-line results. But you’re not interested in fluffy, do this-not that kind of general advice. There are companies out there, blasting through sales and conversions like the Hoover Dam burst on their revenue projections. You want to know what THEY’RE doing. It’s no secret that today’s most successful sales teams rely heavily on their abilities to build relationships with their prospects and clients. Naturally, it makes sense for today’s business leaders to focus on improving their relationship-building

Social Media Engagement Strategies That Work (And plenty that don’t)

Let’s dive in and demystify social media. You’re posting regularly. You’re “liking” and “sharing” content. You might even be dabbling with TikTok videos. But if it’s not generating leads for your business, what’s it doing? More importantly, business leaders should think about what they want their social media to do for their bottom line. Branding is necessary but harder to measure than marketing. Marketing is measurable but doesn’t always result in sales. And the yardsticks you use to measure all your efforts can be deceiving. So, what social media strategies actually work in today’s market for driving sales? And which techniques and trends aren’t going to generate bottom-line results? Keep reading. We’ll shed some valuable social media strategy light on

The Core Differences Between Leaders & Bosses: Which Are You?

Whether you’re a mid-level manager for an organization or the CEO, your leadership style will set the tone for those who follow you. And leadership is like a power that can be used for good or wielded for the dark side. Is your lightsaber red or green? Star Wars analogies aside, how you lead your teams will impact your company’s growth and success, like it or not. Every action you take will either be supportive or detrimental to your teams and their productivity. And that’s an awful lot of weight to carry for any professional. So, as you explore better tools and methods for leadership and hone your skills, be mindful of two distinct differentiators. Are you a leader? Or

Growth & Scaling: How Today’s Company Leaders are Succeeding at Both

So, here we are. It’s officially 2023. What are your big ideas for your business this year? Are you launching a brand-new (or new to you) product or service? Do you have plans to innovate something entirely new? Is your company growing into new markets or regions? And more importantly, do you know what you need to effectively stay relevant to your customers and your market? If you’ve spent the last couple of years trying to survive, dodge, and weave, then 2023 is your year to thrive, boost, and grow. Part of your team and company conversations will likely include growth strategies as well as scaling strategies. The two are different and require unique lenses. And considering how challenging today’s

4 Organizational Tips to Achieve Goals and Have a Great Year

Here’s what you really need right now, another “get your life together” list of tips. Insert sarcastic eye roll here. No really. Let’s get honest about New Year’s resolutions and setting new goals. There’s a lot to unpack when you think about what makes a goal different from objectives or visions. And seriously, do people really achieve their goals, and what are they doing that separates them from the millions of goals that go unattained? What makes a goal worth aiming for in your career and personal life? How can you realistically take action in a way that authentically produces results? The answer isn’t about what goals you set or how big you dream, for that matter. Those are about