Desiree Homer

Outbound Sales: 6 Crazy Stories from the Field

(And what you can learn from them) When you’ve spent a decade, or in my case two decades, in a sales role, you have quite the arsenal of stories and memories. There were some pretty incredible sales victories over the years. And plenty of failures dot my timeline, too. More importantly, sales has allowed me to cross paths with some fantastic people, many of whom taught me lessons in life. Since we’re preparing for the holidays and now’s the time you’re likely reflecting on your sales metrics for 2022, I thought it might make sense to share some memorable stories from the field. These are just some of the most career-impacting lessons I’ve learned in the field, cold-calling and presenting

The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Newsletter for Your Marketing Strategy

It’s December, and if you’re like most business leaders, you’re putting the finishing touches on your 2023 marketing plan. Along with your strategies for email marketing, sales, advertising, and web presence don’t forget about the incredible reach and frequency power of newsletters. Newsletter campaigns are an effective method for reaching both new and loyal audiences. They’re great for sharing news and special offers. They’re great for nurturing prospects through your funnel and converting. But they do require some effort in design, content, and strategy. Today, we’ll share everything (and we mean everything) you need to know about developing a newsletter marketing strategy. Debunking a Few Newsletter Myths, First If you have reservations about curating a newsletter campaign for your business,

Business Owners Training Managers (It All Rolls Downhill)

When you first started your business, you were enthusiastic, excited, and ready to tackle anything. You might even still feel those butterflies of anticipation today as you grow and scale your enterprise. But as you bring in other managers and leaders to help you steer the company ship, you wonder if your methods of training somehow inspire similar sentiments of excitement to your teams. And are they operating as leaders within your business with the same vigor and enthusiasm? I had a business leader once tell me that only 50% of what I actively trained my teams to do would stick. And cascading in a downhill spiral, those team leaders would only effectively convey 50% of their knowledge to their

How the Hybrid Workforce Can Change Your Business Trajectory

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’ve heard it enough already. The hybrid work environment and remote work are here to stay. And you’ve probably read the controversial headlines about companies trying to force their employees to come back to the office. Quiet quitting is a thing now, and employees are redefining what they want from a company culture. Applicants are demanding work-from-home days, and companies are struggling to find their operational footing with all these dynamics. But, if you’re savvy and capable of looking ahead, this new (not so new) hybrid workforce scenario can actually be incredibly lucrative to your business growth. Instead of fighting the current, you could be looking to lean into it, leveraging the countless benefits. If you can

17 Tips for Keeping Your Sanity Through the Upcoming Holidays

‘Tis the season, folks. Yep. It’s coming. The holiday season brings joy, festivities, friends, and family. But for many, it also brings anxiety, added stress, and full-blown migraines. So, how are you planning to keep your sanity through the hectic nature of gifts, budgets, and Aunt Carole’s Jell-O mold? Find your bliss this holiday season in the little things. And follow these tips for keeping yourself merry and bright through the new year. 1. Planning Ahead for Everything You Can For me, it’s all about checklists. Meal prepping for even four or six guests at a time requires serious time management. But then there are gifts and counting the little ones who need toys, new socks, and Fortnite V-Bucks. It’s

12 Hot Leadership Trends & Topics Everyone Should Explore

Who’s your favorite leadership guru? Do you have a successful mentor who provides you with business-centric words of wisdom? Are there Richard Branson, or Simon Sinek quotes you share on social media? We all love motivational insights, especially when they feel like they relate to our current career trajectories. And anyone in a leadership position knows that some of the best advice is going to come from those who seem to have the foresight to anticipate the business climate of the future. So, as you prepare to round the corner into 2023, here are some of those emerging trends, hot topics, and entrepreneurial insights you’ll enjoy exploring. You might find something inspirational to take with you into the new year

Inbound vs. Outbound: What Today’s Leaders Need to Know to Drive Both

When you go fishing, do you paddle out to the middle of the lake with all your bait and tackle and wait for the fish to jump in the boat? Now, if the goal is to actually bring home fish, this is likely not the best strategy. What you’ll do instead is paddle out to the middle of the lake and make smart use of your bait and tackle to attract and reel in those monster bass. And if you’re really interested in harvesting fish, like the ocean fishing professionals, you’ll have rigs with massive nets designed to scoop up entire schools of fish in one hoist. Now, let’s pivot to look at your business model. Is your company fishing

18 Characteristics of Today’s Entrepreneurs

Starting a business 20 years ago typically meant opening a brick-and-mortar location to share products or services with the local public. You might remember scenes from the movies of executive board rooms, full of stuffy suits, making the most important decisions for a company’s success from behind closed doors. But here we are, 2022, and the definition of entrepreneurial success is vastly different. I just watched a young couple on their established YouTube page launch a global coffee business from their off-grid living site in Panama. And they’re making bank. So, yes, a lot has changed in the entrepreneurial landscape in the last couple of decades. And while the channels for reaching clients and methods of conducting business have shifted,

We Don’t See the Very Lenses Through Which We Look

(And other things I learned from my HS civics teacher) Let’s get deep for a minute. Like, deep thoughts and serious reflection. Sometimes, life calls for it, too. It’s not hard to get sidetracked and caught up in the day-to-day hustle and lose sight of your long-term goals and your current trajectory to reach them. And as an adult, you might start realizing some of the challenges you face are best solved by life lessons learned years ago. But you can’t get to those ah-ha moments without a little peace and solitude to reflect. Today, I’ll share a few of my life lesson moments that stick with me, even now, as a professional in business, as a mom, as a

What You Might Be Missing with Email Marketing

More and more businesses are tapping into email marketing as a method for connecting with customers. But as with any marketing effort, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do emails. If you’re lagging with open rates, responses, and conversions, keep reading. Identifying where your email campaign might be lacking can be a tall order. But these tips and suggestions will help you do just that, and we’ll share insights you can leverage right now to make the changes needed for your email marketing to be effective. And this won’t be your run-of-the-mill listicle of generic tips and overshared advice. This is the list you’ll want to print out and take to your next marketing meeting, we promise.

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