Dayne Shuda

You Have the Wrong Call to Action on Your Blog

Blogging is about conversion. When you’re blogging you’re looking to convert visitors so they eventually give you money in exchange for your products and services. This is how blogging becomes a value added marketing effort. But the issue for most bloggers is asking for the wrong conversion…

This Question is a Great Source of Blog Content

Recently I’ve been watching the show Barter Kings on A&E. The show is really interesting and it’s captured my attention. Two guys own a business where they trade up until they make a huge profit. It’s a lot of work, but it’s really interesting and there is one question the guys always ask that is great for blogging inspiration.

Blogging Achieves a Variety of Business Goals

Something I ask all prospects is what their goals are for their business blog. I also ask about the goals for their business website and the goals for their business. I want to make sure the blog has a purpose so we at Ghost Blog Writers know what to provide. Let’s dig deeper into some of the goals a business blog can accomplish.

Expected Profit from Blogging

Eloqua put out a great ebook and summary blog post about the ROI of content marketing. They did some internal research and I thought it would be very worthwhile to show their results and also share some of my own results from blogging and content marketing.

Some Quick Thoughts on Ghost Blogging

Yesterday we expanded on Darren Rowse’s viewpoint on guest blogging spam. Specifically Darren was agitated with SEO spammers looking for links with irrelevant guest blog pitches. Today we’ll address Darren’s other note on ghost blogging.

Guest Blogging is Not About SEO Anymore

Darren Rowse is one of the most successful bloggers of all time. He runs the successful photography website, Digital Photography School, along with the successful blogging blog, Problogger. Recently Darren brought to light a big issue in the guest blogging world. Let’s expand.

How I View Facebook Fans for Country Music Life

Country Music Life is my personal country music blog. Back a couple years ago I started a Facebook page for CML. Since most social media vendors will tell you that Facebook is necessary I want to share with you how I view the fans of CML.

5 Things to Learn from Celebrity Gossip Bloggers

Celebrity gossip is everywhere. People are looking for entertainment and people seem to love the gossip happening in the lives of celebrities. Here are some things you can learn from gossip bloggers to apply to your business blog.

5 Things Every Business Blogger Does Well

This post was inspired by an article on Check out what every great business blogger does and see if you’re aligned correctly. Try to do these things to make sure you’re taking the right action with your business blog…

Are You Entertaining Your Customers?

A new study featured on eMarketer shows that consumers are more interested in this than discounts and deals. You know it must be something powerful if people are putting it above discounts. Check it out…