
7 Common Business Website Copywriting Mistakes

Each week I review business blogs for the Blog Analysis series. Each week I come across business websites and one of the most frustrating things on those sites is that it’s not usually easy to figure out what the company does. Here are some copywriting mistakes businesses often make with their website.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Creating A Company Vision

This week I listened to an entrepreneur speak. I like listening to entrepreneurs tell their stories. Each story is unique, but you’ll often pull out some of the same lessons. I heard another important lesson during this talk…

7 Effective Ways To Drive Traffic To A WordPress Website

Do you have a WordPress website for your business? WordPress is a great choice for managing your website. Now the trick is to drive traffic and get new business rolling in. Here are some effective ways to drive traffic.

Businesses With Blogs Don’t Need To Worry About Ad Blockers

There has been some media attention given to online advertisement blocking software lately. It’s been a challenge for publications who depend on ads for revenue. But do ad blockers affect businesses with blogs? Let’s explore…

5 Marketing Challenges Solopreneurs Face

Being a solopreneur can be great, but it obviously comes with challenges. The biggest challenge is time, but there are some other challenges that don’t involve time. Let’s review a few challenges and the solutions for solopreneurs and marketing.

Company Wellness Programs For Solopreneurs

Are you a solopreneur? There are different challenges when you’re a one-person shop. One of the challenges, often an overlooked challenge, is maintaining your health. Here are some tips for your own wellness program.

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