How Professional Photographers Are Killing It On Instagram
They’re doing some things really well.
How To Inspire Your Employees & Team Members
Motivation is a difficult thing. I believe that motivation comes from within. However, I think you can inspire those around you to do great things both for themselves and for others. Let’s look at some of the ways you can inspire your team.
People Don’t Pay Attention To Every Detail Of Your Life
One of the things that can play games with our minds in life is the idea that people actually care about the little things we do during the day. Sure, some of it does get noticed, but for the most part people don’t really care what you do.
10 Ways To Make A Final Push For A Good Year For Your Business
We’re heading into the final quarter of the year. The saying goes that deadlines spur action. You can use this time to make a final push to finish off strong and have some extra sales at the end of the year. Here are some tips.
7 Ways For B2Cs To Find New Customers Using Social Media
A great way to find customers at scale.
How To Build Your Business From Within
How do you grow the team at your company? Do you bring in outsiders to inject new life and new ideas into the company? That may be the wrong way to go about it. Let’s look at how you can grow your company from within.
Do You Spend Enough Time Outdoors?
We live in a time when the outdoors maybe aren’t as important as they used to be. But the reality is that our species evolved outdoors and our health and well being is still wired to be outside. Here are some tips for spending more time outdoors even in today’s world.
10 People To Surround Yourself With
My mom (and probably many parents) always talked to me about the importance of friends in life. She worried when I started hanging out with certain people and smiled when I hung out with others. It’s a simple thing in life, but very important. We are who we surround ourselves with.
Should You Argue With People On Social Media?
You know the answer.
How To Build Continuous Learning Into Your Life
Have you noticed that as we get older and perhaps achieve a certain level of success that we push away or shy away from learning opportunities. I’m not sure exactly why it happens, but I think it’s important to build continuous learning into your life as you age so you can continue to improve until the day you die.