Dayne Shuda

Top 10 Hashtags For Startups

Struggling to get things off the ground and running? Especially with content and social media? Hashtags could be the key.

How To Become Better At Small Talk

One of the things I struggle with is small talk. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I’ve been working on it. Here are some things I’ve learned.

The Ultimate Guide To Product Pricing

Are you struggling to price your product or service? You might be over-thinking it. Here are some steps and tips for setting a price and getting it right over time.

What Would You Do With 30 More Days?

Putting things off until later? Not enjoying life enough? Looking at this question could help change things for the better…

5 Steps To Turning Your Service Into A Product

Are you struggling to sell your service? Website design. Website development. Consulting. Anything that’s usually a service can be tricky to sell unless you change it into a product that people can buy…

How To Hire Your First Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistants have been great for the world of business in recent years. Ghost Blog Writers, for example, would probably exist without virtual assistants, but I couldn’t imagine doing without them.