Dayne Shuda

How To Get More Excited About Monday

Do you struggle with the Mondays? After an enjoyable weekend do you have a little dread about going to work on the first day of the work week? It’s normal, but maybe there is a way to find some enjoyment on Mondays.

Do We Overuse The Phrase “ASAP”…

I’ve been seeing ASAP more often than usual the last few months. I’m wondering if we’re starting to overuse the word and if that has negative consequences…

10 Tips For Finding Mentors & Partners

One of the best ways to better your life is to find a mentor or a partner. Here are some tips for setting yourself up for success…

10 Ways Negativity Can Infiltrate Your Life

Have you fallen into the negativity trap? You’re not alone. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the negative aspects of life. Here are some ways it can happen.

How To Research A Long Blog Post

Long blog posts can be some of the most successful. How you research the posts could determine if it’s successful or not. Here are some tips for researching a long blog post.