Top 10 Hashtags For Freelance Designers

Airplane In The SkyAre you wondering what hashtags work best for freelance designers?

You’re probably wondering how to give some boost to your social media effort.

It can be a real struggle to build a following on social media. You have things to post. Great things.

But they can only reach so far. It seems like you need followers to get followers…

You probably know that hashtags can expand your audience. But it’s not easy to know what hashtags to use.

Here is a great list to use.

I recommend using 3-5 with each post and see how that goes. You can adjust up or down depending on the engagement.

Let’s get into it…

1. #Marketing

Freelance designers work in marketing. The potential clients are usually involved in marketing.

So going where they are likely looking makes sense. And this one is a popular hashtag.

And the good thing is that most of the content shared is marketing tips and things like that. You can certainly share those things, but with your design skills you can probably bring some cool things to this hashtag.

Case studies. Portfolios. Examples and more.

2. #Business

This builds on the last one. It’s another very popular hashtag.

One of the tricky things with social media hashtags is knowing your audience. You can share things that other designers will like and use those common hashtags, but you’ll attract designers, not clients.

This is a hashtag that many businesspeople use. They’re looking for a variety of content. Tips and tricks to marketing examples including design examples.

3. #Tech

Designers are usually pretty up and up on the latest tech. And businesspeople are usually also interested. If you’re always up on the latest in the tech world you can provide value to this hashtag by adding articles you read and more.

4. #Inspiration

This probably goes for a lot of people including fellow designers.

But businesspeople often look for inspiration as well. They’re looking to be inspired by what they see when they’re looking for designs of their own.

But obviously what they really want is inspiration and a designer than can bring great design to what they’re working on.

5. #Funny

Who doesn’t love something funny?

I’ve always observed that designers are really good at finding the funniest stuff on the web. Since you’re probably already seeing cool things you can share and re-share using popular hashtags including this one.

There are a few others you can probably add as well so go ahead and do that.

You’ll be going after a more general audience, but you’ll get more reach and businesspeople like to see funny things too. It’s a cool way to show your sense of humor. That can connect with potential clients.

6. #Digital

This one is very similar to tech. It’s another one that a lot of people follow. Obviously they’re looking for info on the latest digital happenings. But they’re also looking for digital marketing and design related content. So be sure to try and share some of that along with this hashtag.

7. #Startup

Do you work with startups?

Lots of startups like working with freelancers. They can’t necessarily afford a big agency, but they want work that’s just as good. It doesn’t mean that you’re working for cheap, but maybe you’re a bit more flexible on how you can price things and work with them.

Use this hashtag to share content and get it front of startups.

8. #Love

This is more of a general one. But it’s very popular. And people probably do love a lot of the things you share. Examples and samples of your work. All the cool new things you’re working on. Don’t just share it with your current followers. Add a hashtag like this one to broaden the audience.

9. #Entrepreneur

Going back to the business theme, obviously, with this one. But it’s another good one. More for those solopreneurs that are bootstrapping everything. They need good designers and they’re always looking for great content about business, marketing, design and more.

10. #Design

We’ll end with one that’s right in line with what you’re doing.

Designers probably follow this one mostly so you’ll want to be careful (unless you want to attract other designers).

Businesspeople do look at this one too, though. When they’re looking for design examples and samples these click and follow this hashtag.

Quick List

  1. #Marketing
  2. #Business
  3. #Tech
  4. #Inspiration
  5. #Funny
  6. #Digital
  7. #Startup
  8. #Love
  9. #Entrepreneur
  10. #Design

Final Thought

Definitely don’t be afraid to use more than one with each post. I’ve had great success using 3-5 hashtags every time I share a blog post, guide, video and more. You want them to be relevant to your audience obviously. And don’t be afraid to share a little more often. Resharing is a great strategy.

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