Content Marketing vs. Advertising – How To Choose For Your Business
Depending on your marketing budget, beliefs and strategy, content or advertising may be the better choice. Or perhaps both are options at the same time…
Depending on your marketing budget, beliefs and strategy, content or advertising may be the better choice. Or perhaps both are options at the same time…
There are basically three forms of content: Text, Audio, Visual. The mix of those depends on a few things, including you and your target audience.
List blog posts have been around since the beginning of blogging. People just love lists. No matter what the medium. We will continue loving list blog posts. But it’s good to know how to stand out from the rest of the lists out there…
There is always a temptation to go after the high traffic general keywords. But just about all the research shows that longtail is where it’s at for content marketing.
One of the biggest mistakes with content marketing is creating bottom funnel content too often. The real opportunity is with top funnel content. But what is top funnel content?
Are you considering blog commenting as a marketing strategy? Or part of a marketing strategy? Here are a few tips.
Looking at forums is a great way to improve your blogging. Here are some of the ways it helps…
Your homepage is perhaps your most important landing page. Yet it’s not necessarily the easiest to update. Here are a few tips.
This is one of life’s contradictions. But sometimes it’s best to just stop trying to do something when it’s not working.
We all come across them. Those that steal our time. Some do it without even realizing it. Tech seems to make it easier. Here is how to deal with them…