Dayne Shuda

As the Web Changes, Content Remains Important

There is an interesting article in Forbes right now. The articles talks about the decline of Google and Facebook in the future (talk about an interesting headline). The point is not that these companies will go bankrupt, but that they will go the way of MySpace. As mobile takes over as the new paradigm, these companies die. But something will never die…

Pick Sides to Get More Blog Comments

The ultimate goal of blogging is to increase sales. There are many different goals that lead to sales and one of those could be comments. An issue with some blogs, though, is getting comments. Here is a big secret for you and how you can get more comments on your blog…

Marketers Focusing on Mobile for Ads, Content

Mobile is becoming a big part of customer acquisition. The medium is something customers are using and in order to reach those customers marketers are using mobile ads, but also mobile content…

Video Content Becoming Important, Blogging Still Effective

A new study highlighted on eMarketer is once again showing the growing importance of video content. As more companies look to content to drive sales and improve business, it will be important to have a good mix of video and written content…

What You Should Expect from Outsourced (And In-House) Bloggers

For the last two days we’ve been reviewing a few of the results from a content marketing study. If you haven’t already, check out the full report in the link in any of the articles. There is good stuff. Today, we’ll look at one of the interesting questions that covered expectations from bloggers and other outsourced content providers…

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Company Blogging

As you look at possibly starting a business blog for your company you will likely have the choice between internal and external resources. It’s an importance decision because you will want to give your blog a good chance to succeed. Since blogging is pretty new for most companies, I thought I would provide my best advice on the outsourcing choice…

75% of Online Marketers Use Blogging

Studies are always interesting. I’m probably guilty of swaying things to fit my own viewpoint, but I still feel there is some validity to these stats. There is a new study from the Content Marketing Institute that had some great findings. Here is the first of those findings…

How to Have a Blog Idea Breakthrough

Lately I’ve been really getting into psychology. Recently, an article on Fast Company covered how people can tap into their creative minds to generate great ideas. I figured it would work well for blogs too. Here are my additional thoughts on the topic…

How Funerals Can Help Your Blogging

This is a strange post to write. Funerals are sad. They are difficult to attend especially when you lose someone you love. Something I’ve always found wonderful about funerals is the stories that are told. It’s something I feel is a great way to remember the wonderful memories of a person’s life…

Business Blog Case Study: Wayne DeFrancesco

I’ve been following an interesting blog this year. I haven’t been following for the reason of analyzing a blog, but for my interest in golf. Wayne DeFrancesco has great insight into the golf swing. He takes his inspiration from one of golf’s best swingers, Ben Hogan, and applies his analysis to today’s best players. It’s a very insightful blog and one that works nicely as a business for Wayne D…