Dayne Shuda

Business Bloggers Need Thick Skin

Have you had your first negative comment yet? If you’ve been blogging for even a short period of time you’ve probably been called out in the comments or in social media. Don’t worry. It’s actually a good thing. Here’s why…

How to Find the Balance of Business and Personal

Here is a nice look at a woman that started an agriculture and food blog a few years ago. Today it’s become one of the most popular in the industry. An interesting note is how she manages personal and business aspects of blogging.

Blogging Pays Off for First Foundation

It looks like blogging is working for one financial company in Canada. In fact, small business blogging is really taking off in our neighbor to the north.

Business Blogging Lessons from Pat Flynn

Anytime The New York Times writes about business blogging you know that the trend is picking up steam. Here is a great story of a blogger that turned his passion into his business.

It’s Official: The Blog is Dead

It’s official now. Blogging is dead according to Francine Hardaway at Fast Company. What does this mean for your business blog?

Ghost Blogging is a Growing Industry

There was an interesting guest post on the Flippa Blog recently written by Darren Rowse of Problogger. In the post Darren said something very interesting about the ghost blogging industry…

You’ll Never Be Ready to Start a Blog

For some reason people seem to think they can make themselves ready to start blogging. You can prepare and learn as much as you can, but you’ll never be ready to start a blog.

Blogging Isn’t About a Good Idea

New bloggers often look around for blog post ideas. In fact, every blogger looks for ideas at some point, but that is only half the equation.