Dayne Shuda

ManageFlitter Targets Social Media Marketers With A Business Blog

Twitter is one of the biggest social networks. In fact, Twitter will stream NFL games next season. That’s pretty cool. Today we’re looking at a tool that helps Twitter marketers to use the social network better for their marketing efforts.

How To Practice What You Preach

It’s difficult to practice what you preach. You’ve probably heard it from your own parents when they’ve told you to do as they say and not as they do. Maybe you’ve said it to your children. In business, as in life, it’s important to practice what you preach because people tend to pay way more attention to what you do instead of what you say.

How To React When Your Plan Doesn’t Work Perfectly

If you’ve been paying attention to life you know that things don’t always go as you plan. That can drive you crazy. It can make you wonder if planning is really worth it. But it’s really about being able to plan while also being able to adapt.

How Is Using Blogging For Marketing seems to have an incredible platform or software that allows companies to increase sales. Sales teams can use the platform to find the right leads and close the right deals. Let’s look at how is using blogging as part of their marketing strategy.

How To Find Areas Of Opportunity In Your Industry

Sometimes, as an entrepreneur or business manager, it can seem like your industry has gone as far as it can go. You look at the situation and there’s tons of competition and everybody is doing the same thing. It can be frustrating. But in almost any industry there’s opportunity. Here is how you can find it.

A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Dream

Entrepreneurs have dreams. Well, just about everybody has dreams. Many of us want things in life, but we get stuck wanting them. We never make them happen. And even if you start doing something it doesn’t mean you have a plan.

Spredfast Provides Useful Content To Enterprises With A Blog

Spredfast seems to have a really good set of social media software. They have a platform that helps enterprises carry out successful strategies to attract and interact with target audiences. Let’s see how Spredfast is using a blog to help bring their own target customers to their website.