Seeking A Legacy Is A Fool’s Errand
How do you think about your future?
How do you think about your future?
What’s the point of asking better questions? I can think of a few things. Let’s get into this topic a bit and how the ability to ask better questions can lead to better outcomes in life and in business.
Do you set a good example for those around you? Employees. Family and friends? The example you set by your actions and words characterizes how others view your leadership skills.
What do you have planned for the weekend? If you’re like most people then you’re probably looking forward to whatever is on the schedule. But if you’re reading this post then perhaps you’re looking for a few ideas. Here are ten…
It’s all how you look at it.
Something that happens in business is the updating of processes. It’s normal for a business to adapt and to change as time goes on. It has to happen, in most cases, for the business to improve. But how do you talk to employees about it? Here are some tips…
It’s that time of year again. What is your New Year’s Resolution?
Are you seeing some of your best employees leave? Maybe you’re thinking that you don’t want anyone on the team that doesn’t want to be there. That’s fine, but it’s not good when your best employees leave. Here are some reasons why it may be happening…
I realize this title is pretty loaded. I’m not going to try and say that I have all the answers. But I’ve been looking at what successful companies do during economic downturns and it seems that even in trying times that growth is very possible.
It’s the holiday season here in the US and I think in many places around the world. I thought I’d just take a few minutes to think about what the holidays means to me.