5 Ways To Write Better Blog Comments

Black and White Computer TypingIt turns out that commenting on blogs still has SEO value.

Between about 2006 and 2012, blog commenting really started taking off. Specifically for SEO purposes.

People would leave comments on blogs and include links back to specific websites or web pages. The goal was to build as many links as possible to boost rankings.

Anchor text was a part of the scheme. It worked for a little while. Then Google caught up to the scheme and found a way to tell what was a good comment and link and what was just spam.

The same thing happened later with guest blogging.

Then social media really started to take off. And early social media was very similar to blog commenting. Someone would post something and others would respond. That obviously cut into some of the blog commenting that was going on.

But, as the experiment shows above, there is still value in blog commenting. And I think it goes beyond just the direct SEO value of building links.

Blog commenting is a way to build brand awareness.

If you add an educational or entertaining comment to a blog post it can leave a lasting impression on readers. That leads to more people knowing about your brand, trusting your brand and even searching for your brand on search engines.

If you’re looking to do more blog commenting, here are a few tips that will help…

1. Align Your Commenting Strategy With Google’s

I have found in over 10+ years of creating content that if you want Google to help you with rankings and traffic, it’s best to align your strategy with theirs:

In Google Search, our goal is to help users quickly find the best answers to their questions.

So whether it’s blogging or video or podcasting or blog commenting, it’s a good strategy to provide the best answers you can to the questions people are asking.

I also like the approach Mel Gibson takes with his filmmaking:

Educate and Entertain

Consider most of the content you consume. On any platform. It’s likely either educational, entertaining or both. If it’s sub-par in either, you’re probably not going to continue consuming it.

You’re not leaving blog comments for your 100% gain. You gain when you provide answers to questions. And if you can entertain in the process, all the better.

2. Be Respectful

When you’re commenting on a blog, you’re basically entering the home of the blog owner(s). I find that the best course of action is to be as respectful with your commenting as you would if a person were to let you through the front door of their house.

Blog owners have every right to ban you from commenting if you’re leaving spam. Other readers and commenters may even request your banishment if you’re being abusive.

You can disagree with the blog owner or with other commenters. But you can be respectful in doing so.

3. Tell Your Story

Let’s say you read a blog post that describes a certain topic. You have experience in the area. You feel you can add something to the blog post and the conversation in the comments, but you’re not sure how.

One way is to tell your unique story about the situation.

Think of it as adding your review to a product page on an ecommerce site. Reviews are very helpful for shoppers looking to make buying decisions. And your story can add additional value to readers of the blog post.

Let’s say you’re a golfer. You’re reading a great overview of a great golf course. The blog author’s post goes into detail on key holes. They have information about the clubhouse and it’s complete with pictures.

You can certainly add value by sharing your experience on the course. It’s a great way to leave a comment that readers will want to read. It even has a chance to be educational and entertaining.

4. Add Missing Information

Another way to add valuable comments is to identify missing information and add your thoughts and knowledge. Again, you want to be respectful.

Let’s say you’re reading a blog post about how to assemble chairs. The author does a great job of going through step-by-step on how to do the assembly.

But you feel that your process has a few useful steps that weren’t included. Maybe you always put a blanket on a workbench and then put the chair on the bench so you’re not bending or kneeling to the floor.

That’s a great bit of information to add. It’s helpful. It doesn’t necessarily make the author look bad. It makes the entire post and page more valuable to readers.

5. Answer Questions From Other Commenters

Like an old school forum.

There are a lot of great forums and message boards still active online. They have been around nearly as long as the Internet. People still find the interaction valuable mostly for educational purposes. Asking questions and receiving helpful information.

On blog posts you’ll often see commenters asking questions. Many times the author or brand behind the post will answer the questions. But sometimes they’ll be too busy to answer some.

That’s where you can step in and help with replies and additional comments.


Blog commenting may not be the en vogue thing in the SEO world anymore. But that’s a good thing. There is still value for SEO in leaving quality blog comments. There is also the overall brand awareness benefit that comes from providing quality answers to the questions people are asking.

If you want to experiment with blog commenting, the tips here should help you do it right.

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