
Remove “Should” & “I Wish” From Your Life

What are your expectations of others? Do you use the words “should” and “I wish” when it comes to those expectations? That can lead to some frustration in your life so we’re going to look at the importance of removing these phrases from our lives.

10 Ways To Make Better Decisions

Do you ever feel like something is off with your decision making skills? You make a conscious choice about something in your life or in your work and it doesn’t work out for the best. It happens to us all, but the good news is we can improve our decision making skills.

How To Find Your Purpose At Your Company

Do you know why you go to work each day? It’s a question that’s important for anyone that works at a job including entrepreneurs. Let’s look at how you can find what you truly should be doing at your business.

Do You Ask For Too Many Favors?

I read an interesting article about how you know if you’re comfortable, happy and successful in life. One if the items caught my eye and I wanted to expand on the topic.

The Quality Over Quantity Debate Is Dangerous

I’ve read a few more articles in the last couple weeks about the quality vs. quantity debate. The idea seems to persist that quality is what you want and that you shouldn’t focus on quantity. That’s the goal, but it skips over an important point.

To Succeed In Life…Do More

There was some good advice I heard recently that I think is a great way to live life. It worked for one really successful person and it can work for others…

10 Ruts That Entrepreneurs Can Fall Into (That Will Stall Growth)

Do you find yourself getting into ruts and bad habits in life? They can happen in your everyday life, but also in your work. When they do happen you might not always realize it, but usually you kind of know it’s going on. Here are some common ruts and some ways to get out of them if they happen to you…

The Opportunities Of Harsh Life Lessons

Have you had hardships in life? Have you had times when you’ve made a big mistake and it’s really cost you? There are times when you’ll have really harsh life lessons, but if you take out the positives it can really impact your life in a good way.