
Do You Have Enough Curiosity To Succeed?

How curious are you about life? You don’t necessarily need to think about the meaning of life. Curiosity can be small. You can see a squirrel and wonder how it has the ability to jump from branch to branch without fear. It turns out that curiosity is a trait in successful people. Do you have enough curiosity to succeed?

How To Tell People “No”

Entrepreneurs that are successful know that they have to tell people “no”. And the reality of life is that you have to tell people no pretty often. That’s what it takes to have the discipline to achieve great things in life. Here is how you can learn to tell people “no”.

Start With The End When You Have An Idea

Entrepreneurs have ideas all the time. The best entrepreneurs are able to figure out what ideas to act on, save and throw away. But there’s another aspect that is just as important with the ideas to act on and save…how to begin the work…

Why It’s Dangerous To Look Forward To Something

Do you think to yourself, “Once (fill in the blank) happens it will be so nice…”? I’m sure you have. I’ve done it. I hear it often from friends and family. But is that a dangerous habit to get into? Let’s explore…

The Double-Edged Sword Of Planning And Future Thinking

Part of being an entrepreneur is being able to think big picture, long-term. But that type of thinking can be a double-edged sword. Here is some thought on how to balance your ability to think toward the future.

Do You Hold Others To Higher Standards?

I caught myself doing something the other day. I came the realization that it’s easier to get upset when others make mistakes even though you’ve made similar mistakes and have brushed those off. It’s part of the challenge of being an entrepreneur.

A Growing Epidemic: Complaining

Maybe “epidemic” is a strong word. And maybe this happens in every generation, but right now it seems like a lot of people are complaining in the world. I’m guilty of it. I do it without even thinking. But complaining doesn’t fix anything and it’s contagious. And that’s a problem if you want to be successful.

You Can’t Do Everything

I’m not a big fan of the word “can’t”. I don’t think many entrepreneurs are, but when it comes to a typical character trait of entrepreneurs I think there is a tendency to try and do too much. And that can be a downfall…

Improvement Within A Framework

Today we’re expanding on last week’s post about Improvement. Today the focus is on improving within a framework. I think that’s perhaps the issue with what Growth has become. A framework provides the guidelines for improvement so it is achieved for the long run.

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