Dayne Shuda

My Advice To My 20-Year Old Wannabe Entrepreneur Self

Today I’m going to a cocktail hour and dinner event at my old university. It’s been 8 years since I graduated and a lot has happened. I guess I’m supposed to share my experiences with the students. I’m not sure what I’ll say yet, but I thought I would think about what I would tell myself if I were still a student.

When It Comes To What I Want In Life I’m Sometimes Wrong

Something happened to me when I was 13 years old. I suffered a sports injury and was told that I couldn’t play my favorite sport anymore…for life. That was crushing, but what seemed important then isn’t so important now and it also opened up new opportunities.

Blog Analysis: MINDBODY Provides Software For Health Businesses

MINDBODY provides software for health businesses such as gyms, studios and many others. It looks like a great company helping other companies to provide valuable services. Today we take an in-depth look at their blog and how they attract more clients with it.

What To Do When You’re Asked To Lower Your Price

Have you been asked to lower your price for a potential new customer? It can be frustrating whether you’re the owner, manager or if you’re in sales or in marketing. Here are some things I’ve had success with when it comes to this situation as an entrepreneur.

Resetting Priorities As An Entrepreneur

Every few months I have to take a step back and look at Ghost Blog Writers from a little bit of a distance. It’s easy to get pulled into the day-to-day tasks, but as the owner or general manager you need to assess the business as a whole. Here is how I went through that process recently.

Blog Analysis: Act! Helps Small Businesses With Its Blog

Act! is part of Swiftpage. That’s where I first found out about their software products for small businesses. So I thought today I would look a little deeper at how they’re reaching potential clients with their business blog.

Learn To Spot Your Weaknesses In Life

There are so many things in life that we get wrong. As entrepreneurs we often get recognized for the things we do right and that’s wonderful. But usually there are a number of things we do wrong. And I’ve noticed that some of the best entrepreneurs are the ones that recognize their weaknesses and they’re confident in certain things as a result of that recognition. Here’s what I mean…

Blog Analysis: SmartZip Helps Real Estate Agents Find The Best Clients

SmartZip is a hot software company. They help real estate agents find the best client leads. If you’re in real estate you know that it can take time and money to find the best leads. SmartZip uses big data to help you save time and earn more money. But we’re going to look at their very good blogging strategy.