Dayne Shuda

Your B2B Target Customer Is Still A Person At A Business

We work with target audiences at GBW. One thing that helps with marketing, especially with B2B marketing, is to understand that even though you’re selling to businesses, you’re selling to a specific person at that business. Here are some tips…

It’s Okay For Entrepreneurs To Take Time Off

One thing that many entrepreneurs suffer with is the idea of vacation. And a lot of the pressure comes from within. Even thinking about vacation can make many of us feel like we’re cheating at life. We feel bad and are afraid to even talk about vacation. I’m here to tell you…vacations and time off are okay!

Are Your Website Headings Confusing Potential Customers?

Most people I’ve met don’t like writing content for their website. It’s difficult to write about yourself and your business. As a result, the content on the website is often thrown together with little thought. We all know it, but many ignore the fact that this leads to potential customers getting confused…

How To Encourage Your Team Members To Accept Change

Most businesses go through periods of change. We have to change in order to remain competitive. You don’t want to lurch around trying all kinds of different things, but thought out change is good. But employees often fight back to change. “That’s not the way we’ve done it.” Here are some tips for getting your team on board with change.

Using Diet To Your Advantage As An Entrepreneur

As entrepreneurs, we’re always looking for something that separates us from the competition. That often involves our products and systems, but beyond that it also involves ourselves and our employees. And one of the biggest ways to gain an advantage, I believe, is with diet.