Why It’s Important To Make Your Bed Every Morning

Perfectly Made BedFor as long as I can remember I’ve always made my bed.

It probably has to do with my personality. I like routines. I like to build habits. Those habits are not always good and they’re not always purposeful. But something deep within me likes to develop routines.

And making my bed has been a routine for a long time. My parents may have stories that I can’t remember, but I can’t really remember a time that I didn’t take a minute to make my bed in the morning.

The reason I like the idea of making your bed each morning is that you likely have a bed that you sleep in. Even if it’s an unconventional bed there are probably ways to “make” the bed or to tidy the area once you’re done sleeping.

So it’s something that everybody does. And because the first thing we do each morning is get out of bed I like the idea of starting a routine as the second thing. A way to tidy something up and prepare for the future, which is ending the day by laying down in a clean, orderly bed.

I’ve heard a few people say that lacking on things like making the bed is a slippery slope. You may start by thinking it’s okay to not make the bed. Then it becomes okay to not keep the nightstand de-cluttered. Then it becomes okay to leave clothes on the floor.

And on and on and on…

It seems ridiculous, but that really does seem to be how life works. We justify one small thing in our lives. Then it becomes easier to justify the next small step and the next small step.

We’re not taking the time to step back and think about the full perspective of the steps we’ve been taking for the long term.

John Wooden was a legendary coach. The first lesson he would teach incoming freshmen players is how to tie their shoes. Many would roll their eyes. These were accomplished players that had been playing for years. They figured they knew how to tie their shoes.

But to Wooden, tying shoes was the first step to building an incredible set of routines that would lead to success. You start by tying your shoes the same way every day. Then you do another drill as part of the routine. Then another. And another. And then every day you’re doing the same routine with the same discipline that leads to NCAA championships.

If you discount the shoe tying routine you then can discount the next small step and soon you’re skipping a drill that you know is of high importance, but you’ve built your way up to where it’s okay in your mind to skip it.

Are you looking to build better routines for a successful life?

Start by making your bed each morning.

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