What Millennials Want Over The Next Decade

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Photo by Conrad Alexander on Unsplash

Millennials are starting to turn 40. That means midlife. Priorities are changing. They have families or they are looking to start families. They have to raise those children and take on new responsibility. They’ve accumulated a lot of work experience. They’ve also gone through quite a bit since coming of age.

As a business operator or manager, what do Millennials want in their upcoming midlife?

Here are a few thoughts.

1. Sense of Security

The last 20 years have been difficult on a lot of people. Millennials were just coming of age. Childhood had been relatively good in terms of economics. They had every reason to believe that good things would continue. Then they just get into the workforce and we have a huge crash. And then a decade later things take another large hit.

At this point, Millennials are just looking for some security. Yes, many are looking for more. But many just want to have some form of financial security so they can stop worrying like they have for the last 20 years. They want a secure job. They want to provide for their families. They don’t need it all. Just security will do.

2. Sense of Accomplishment

One interesting thing about Millennials is they really want to feel purpose and accomplishment. They want to know that what they’re doing is appreciated. Even just a little bit. Some value it even more than money. At least to a certain point. They want to feel like they’re doing something that contributes on a large scale.

As a boss, the more you can make your team feel appreciated for their accomplishments, the more they will want to work for you.

3. Sense of Order

Things have been pretty chaotic the last two decades. It seems there is no plan to what is happening. Just random decisions leading to chaotic outcomes. Millennials want the opposite of that. They want planning and order. They want to eliminate the need to have to think on the fly about important things.

They want rules. They want strict rules and order in work and society. They don’t want to have to think about it themselves and they don’t want to have to worry about others. Order in the workplace will be something in high demand.

4. Steady Work

We like reliable work. We have dealt with chaos. We want to know that work will be coming. We know there will be changes in industry. But what Millennials want to build in the coming decade are skills that lead to consistent, steady work. That might mean changing jobs once in awhile, but steady work that leads to certain expectations is very highly valued.

5. Simple Leisure

Millennials are learning about the importance of simple pleasure. Reading. Watching movies. Going on short little trips. Spending time with family and friends. It’s not about the big things. The changes of the last two decades have led to a shift in perspective. Millennials will want to work for companies that allow for simple pleasures and simple leisure. Cut that out and you might be in trouble.


Millennials aren’t a new phenomenon. We’re seemingly entering a time similar to the late 1940s and early 1950s. Folks in midlife back then were looking for similar things. They had gone through a lot the previous two decades. Priorities had changed. A similar situation is going on right now. So understanding what this generation is looking for, as a manager or boss, can lead to success.

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