Top 10 Workplace Hashtags

At The Office
Looking to build an audience of people in the workplace? Use these hashtags.

Do you sell to people in the workplace?

Or perhaps to businesses with a workplace?

Are you also looking to increase your social media following and engagement?

Alright, if you’re still here then we’re going to get into what I believe is one of the best ways to improve your social media efforts.

A hashtag is a way to organize content on a social network.

Let’s take the hashtag, #life.

Anyone really interested in content relating to life might click on that hashtag. Let’s see they see one post, a picture maybe, that fits the #life theme well and has that hashtag.

The person might click the hashtag link to see if there is more content on that topic they like.

Anyway, let’s dive into ones that you’ll want to use if you’re targeting the business workplace.

1. Job

This one could go a few different ways.

The folks you’re selling to, those working in offices, might be looking for new job opportunities or they may be looking for ways to be better at their job or other corollary things.

If you’re looking to tap into this hashtag you’ll want to focus on things that relate to a person’s job. Obviously that can be broad, but you can niche it down.

Don’t focus on only broad things like How To Perform Better At Your Job.

You can also share and create content like How To Get Along Better With Coworkers.

2. #Tech

This one would obviously work well in the Tech Industry. And that’s a big industry these days full of tech workers that you can sell to.

But more than just tech workers are looking for tech related content. Many people are looking for input on their smartphones, their computers, software and much more.

3. #Digital

Very similar to the one above. If you’re sharing it for tech you can probably share it with this hashtag as well.

And you can probably venture a little more into the marketing world with this one. Maybe with cool software and things like that too.

4. #Video

The interest in video really picked up some years ago and it continues a steady climb today. As more people get access to fast internet and better video cameras you’ll see even more video being consumed.

This is obviously for sharing video (yours or someone else’s on social media).

5. #Motivation

Sometimes people need some motivation in the workplace. This might not directly help their work like a how to article might, but motivation is important. Bosses certainly like it. But workers like it too. We all want to be good at our jobs. We want to improve.

But sometimes it gets us down and we need to get inspired again. If you can share motivation content you’ll find an audience.

6. #Work

I started the list with this obvious one, but it worked it’s way down to #6 on the list. But it’s still an important one to use. You can share anything relating to work, work life and all that kind of stuff using this hashtag.

7. #Funny

But it’s not all about work at work. Even bosses know this. They’re some of the biggest culprits probably when it comes to sharing those funny memes and images and videos.

Those email threads are still going strong, but now that conversation has moved to social media and many use this hashtag to look for the most entertaining and hilarious content online.

8. #Career

This one is probably a little more serious. If someone is following this hashtag they’re probably looking for ways to advance their career or to improve in their careers. Share that kind of stuff with this hashtag and you should find a ready audience.

9. #Howto

I like this one for the workplace. You’re looking at people that are curious about how to do things obviously. In this context they’re looking for ways to do things relating to their job. Maybe they’re using a software that’s new to them. Maybe they need a tip for something they’ve used for a long time.

All kinds of possibilities with this one.

Anytime you’re helping others online you’re doing good things.

10. #Office

Finally we’ll end with an obvious one. #Office.

Lots of fun stuff, serious stuff and all kinds of stuff in between. This one is probably more about office life, which is everyday for so many of us.

Quick List

  1. #Job
  2. #Tech
  3. #Digital
  4. #Video
  5. #Motivation
  6. #Work
  7. #Funny
  8. #Career
  9. #Howto
  10. #Office

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