The Power of Surrender in Relationships, Life & Business

The Power of Surrender in Relationships, Life & Business
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

We all have things we’re looking to accomplish in life. But it’s altogether too easy to place added importance on these things.

It seems like a normal thing to do. But when we add too much importance to outcomes, we end up obsessing over the smallest of details – be it the rise and fall of traffic to our websites, a text that wasn’t responded to, or a conversation that wasn’t as inspiring as the last.

When the outcome of every action takes on too much importance, it’s almost as though we restrict the flow of support and assistance that can naturally and easily come into our lives.

One must learn to surrender.

The More Important It Seems, the Greater the Need for Surrender

It is quite natural that you attach importance to things that matter to you – your business, your investments, your relationships, and so on.

Even though outcomes aren’t guaranteed in these categories, it’s easy to assign importance to them:

“I need this investment to pay off. If it doesn’t, I could go broke.”

“I want this relationship to work out because I’m tired of having my heart broken.”

It’s very natural to think this way. The challenge is that the harder you try to hold on to outcomes, the less they will seem to come together how you want them to. Without thinking, you will act in a manipulative, controlling, desperate way that pushes others away and hinders progress.

The more important it seems, the greater there is a need to surrender.

How to Reduce Importance & Practice Surrender

Surrendering begins with noticing when your communication is coming from a place of fixing or surviving. When you’re trying to fix or survive a situation, you will inevitably be stuck in a cycle of:

  • Forcing and controlling outcomes
  • Convincing and commanding others

And rarely if ever do these cycles lead to meaningful progress.

Notice when the above is happening and stop. Then, choose different words or different actions. Some ways of communicating don’t involve controlling, convincing, or commanding. For example, you can paint a vision of what’s possible, thereby inspiring others in the process.

Also, consider your hobbies or what you like to do in your spare time. Chances are there are areas of your life that are thriving naturally, without your constant, desperate attention. Learn from that. See if you can take the same attitude toward areas of your life that matter most to you.

Enjoy the Benefits of Surrender

When you surrender outcomes, you will feel freer. You will learn to be satisfied with your best effort versus comparing yourself to others. Surrender will also make room for divine assistance to move on your behalf. You do your best; the Universe does its best.

Surrender leaves room for others to contribute to you. It gives them a chance to bring opportunities to the table. Everything seems to work better when you’re in surrender.


Surrendering works because it reduces the importance you’ve placed on certain outcomes. It has you showing up differently in everything you’re doing. It allows you to be more present to the opportunities around you and leaves space for others to contribute to you.

It may seem like placing more importance on outcomes would make them happen sooner and faster, but that’s just some version of forcing and controlling, and it doesn’t work. Detach yourself from outcomes. That’s true surrender.

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