The Ill Effects Of Micromanaging

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Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

There are obviously balances that come with leading a business. As a manager, you have to train your team how to do their jobs. You have to give them some leeway while also being involved in what they’re doing.

So micromanaging can come into play. And often it’s not because the manager wants to do it on person. It could be that they like to have control of certain situations. It could be that they truly believe they are the best person to perform certain tasks.

But micromanaging is usually not a long-term strategy. And it’s often doesn’t lead to good results both in the short nor long-term.

Here are some of the ill effects of being a micromanager in the workplace.

1. Innovation Is Stunted

It’s generally believed that the best outcomes in businesses and organizations come when a manager sets a goal and allows the team work toward it. There might be more to the framework, but that’s the general idea. And it’s the manager’s job to support and help the team in any way necessary.

This often leads to innovation. The team of individuals can bring ideas to the table. Old and new. Testing is often done.

But in a micromanager situation, the manager will often stay in their comfort zone. They will control what is done and often will do it themselves or have very strict control over their team.

One negative result is that often innovation is stunted. Often, team members with great ideas will look elsewhere as an outlet for their innovative thoughts.

2. Learning is Stunted

When you’re doing exactly a process and only that process you’re not going to learn. You likely want to learn. But micromanaging bosses often like to control situations. They don’t want chaos. They don’t like changing roles and allowing people to expand their knowledge and experience. They like to keep things the way they have always been.

It is easy to understand. When things work we want them to continue working. That can work…to a point. But life moves forward and growth is important. Not just for the business, but for the individuals involved in the business.

3. Blame Game

Micromanagers don’t like to be wrong. They like the control. They like knowing that they have control of a situation. When something goes wrong, they often blame others. It could often be that they blame outside sources. But they will sometimes blame their team. It’s the team’s fault for not following a process exactly right. It’s the team’s fault for trying something different.

This can lead to burn out and discourse that obviously stifles growth.

4. Negative Competition

The manager might be the type of person that needs to be the “winner” in the business. No matter what they need to feel superior. And not just in their processes, but in everything. They may withhold information from their team so that they can be seen as superior. They made need that credit all the time.

This is like trying to have the tallest building in the city by destroying other buildings instead of actually trying to do what it takes to build the tallest building. It stifles everyone including the manager.

5. Lose Interest From Outside Vendors, Colleagues, Customers, etc.

Customers and others from outside of the organization can often quickly see when things aren’t going well. They can see micromanagers. People typically understand that negative things that occur in these situations and they steer clear.

Final Thoughts

We’ve all likely dealt with micromanagers. Sometimes we’re able to get along fine. Other times it’s usually best to look for other options. And if you’re the one with the micromanaging tendencies, it’s important to understand the potential ill effects. You likely want to succeed. The best method is often giving others the autonomy to reach a goal that you set for them. It comes down to trust.

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