I really admire software companies.
They know how to market themselves online. Many will take multiple channels to acquire new customers while others will focus strictly on one or two channels such as inbound marketing.
There are a number of great software blog success stories out there and with this post I wanted to share some of those stories.
If you’re in the software business and looking at starting your own blog you’d be hard to find 10 better than these. Hopefully the information here can provide inspiration for your soon-to-be launched software blog.
This is a really cool software company. A few years ago I changed my diet to the paleo way and things have been great. And I’ve always tried to live actively to keep in shape. MINDBODY provides business management software for gyms, spas and similar businesses.
With their blog, they provide great information about how their specific clients can take advantage of the latest trends. They feature the work their clients are doing and they share insight from within the company. It’s regularly updated and it seems like a must-read for those in this industry.
Visit: Blog | @mindbodyonline
2. Spigit
Spigit provides software that helps businesses grow. There isn’t much to say beyond that. If you help your clients live a great life or in the case of enterprise – grow – then you’re going to find demand.
Spigit posts about 1-2 posts per month. They share company news and also share some insight into recent industry trends. They’ll share their tips and experience that can help their clients.
3. Pilgrim Software
Pilgrim Software is another growing software company. In fact, they’re one of the fastest growing companies in the software industry. They work with companies that need certain processes to meet regulation requirements.
Many of their posts focus on creating a quality workplace that builds a culture of compliance. They also discuss the cloud and other technology trends that can help the target reader. When you help your reader with their jobs and tasks you’ll always find traction with your blog.
Visit: Blog | @pilgrimsoftware
4. The Nerdery
The Nerdery is based here in the Midwest like GBW so we’re a little biased on that front. But this company seems to really be on the fast track to greatness in the business world.
I thought they only did programming for a few things, but it turns out they’re big in the software world…really big. They’ve done all kinds of websites and apps for a variety of companies of all shapes and sizes.
On their blog, they do a variety of different posts and they really focus on different types of media including podcasts and webinars. The content focuses on ways to improve a business or organization with new technology such as responsive design user experience. Lots of good stuff if you’re in the online world.
Visit: Blog | @The_Nerdery
5. Bullhorn
Recruiters have a tough job. They have to find lists of people and sift through tons of information to make sure they and their clients are finding the right people for the right position. Bullhorn provides recruiting software that makes this job easier and more effective.
The Bullhorn blog has a lot of great information. My favorite type of post they offer are the tips for improving the recruiting process. They focus directly on the types of posts that help their target customer. Do that and over time you’ll attract new customers with your blog.
6. Hyland Software
Does your company use a lot of information, content and documents? If you do then you’re the type of company that might use one of Hyland Software’s solutions. They make it easier for companies to manage processes and from the looks of things they’re doing very well.
An early look at their blog shows that they update quite frequently. They seem to post about 2-3 times per week, which is great. They share company accomplishments like being a great place to work. They also share interpretation of industry news and trends in the industry. There are also some great general tips for the target reader.
Visit: Blog | @HylandSoftware
7. Workday
Workday is another big player in the software industry. They focus their suite of software products on the business workday. Everything from accounting to HR to marketing and more are covered by Workday software.
With their blog, Workday focuses on posts that help their customers use the software. This is good practice because it gives your customers regular updates and tips on how to best use the software. It’s also great for showing potential customers all the cool things you can offer.
Workday also shares trends and general tips targeted at their reader. Again, it’s a great strategy. Workday uses their experience and knowledge to earn the trust of potential customers.
8. GXS
GXS is a company I hadn’t actually heard of until I started researching for this post. But it turns out that these guys are really big time in the B2B software and even the overall software world. They’re not part of OpenText, but it seems like they’re going to keep expanding their business blog, which is great for those in the B2B world.
On the blog they talk about how their software can help improve processes and applications for companies that work with other companies. They also share information about things discussed at recent conferences and offer benefits and action steps for readers.
9. ReverbNation
If you’ve read a few posts here on the GBW Blog you may have picked up on the fact that I’m a music fan. I have a personal blog – Country Music Life – where I share my thoughts on new songs in the country music world.
Because of that I’m familiar with ReverbNation and they’re really doing some great things with artists – new and established. The site provides some really user-friendly software that allows artists to upload music and share it with fans. The software allows the artists to focus on creating music while also finding a waiting audience of music lovers right on the ReverbNation site.
With their blog, ReverbNation shares all kinds of useful advice and tips for aspiring artists. Even if you’re an established artist you can find something to help grow your career.
Visit: Blog | @ReverbNation
10. Bottle Rocket Apps
The Rocketeer Blog by Bottle Rocket Apps has some really great information. If you watch TV on your iPad or similar mobile device then you’ve probably watched it on a Bottle Rocket App. The company is growing fast and really making noise in the app world.
And their blog seems like it’s doing really well too.
They don’t seem to have a definite schedule. Sometimes they post a few times in a row and other times they’ll go a few weeks. They highlight good things happening with the blogs they make for others. They also offer great advice on business and the app world. You’ll find trends as well, which are great coming from a company on the cutting edge.
Visit: Blog | @_BottleRocket
Software companies are at the forefront of the tech world. They get a lot of admiration for their abilities and rightfully so. But I think sometimes we forget just how well these companies market themselves.
At GBW, we’re biased toward blogging and content marketing, but it’s obvious that the companies above really know what it takes when it comes to blogging.
They’re some of our favorite software blogs and blogs in general.