How To Stand Out On LinkedIn

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LinkedIn has been one of the more interesting social platforms. They were one of the originals. I can remember discussing LinkedIn with friends when I was in college around 2006-2007. Our instructors were talking about resumes and for good reason. We were kind of looking at this LinkedIn thing because it seemed better and more important.

But in the last few years it seems that LinkedIn has been becoming even more valuable than those early days. There are more people on it and more people using it regularly. It can be a sales tool, a networking tool, a job finding tool and much more.

One challenge with LinkedIn, for multiple situations, is to stand out.

Here are a few thoughts on that topic…

1. Engage With Others’ Content

There is a lot of content that people are sharing online. They’re putting information in their profiles. They’re sharing articles and creating their own content for LinkedIn.

What do these people want more than anything when it comes to this content?

They want engagement. They want comments and likes and questions and direct messages and all kinds of things like that. Give it to them. Do it with curiosity and with good intentions. Try to lift them and their content up so that others see it and want to engage.

The more you do this the more you will stand out. It’s a win for all involved.

2. Share More Often

Another way to get attention on LinkedIn is to share more content. Articles, thoughts, answers to questions. The key thing here is “more”. You’ve probably heard that quality is better than quantity. Obviously that’s the goal,  but you can’t get to qualify unless you learn how to do it. And that requires repetition.

The more you share the more you learn. Maybe then you can cut back a little and focus on quality. But for now, focus on sharing more. You won’t offend anybody or make them ignore you.

Keep it simple and focus on entertainment or education. Share funny and interesting stories. Then try to target some questions people are asking on LinkedIn and provide answers if you’re able to. That’s a great way to provide value.

3. Share Stories

And speaking of sharing stories, I think it’s one of the best ways to stand out on LinkedIn. Share work stories. Share new and old stories. Share short and long stories. Share professional stories, but also mix in some personal stories.

4. Appropriate Direct Messaging

Direct messaging can be abused on LinkedIn. You connect with someone and they immediately start talking about the service they can sell you. That’s not necessarily the best way to approach it. But you can use direct messaging to form good relationships.

If you see someone share a great piece of information, like a new job, maybe send them a direct message congratulating them and asking a question about the new job.

This can make the communication on LinkedIn a little more personal and it will stand out because most others aren’t willing to take the time to do it this way.


LinkedIn is a wonderful platform. Does it has flaws? Yes. Can it be a little clunky? Sure. But they have really been doing some great things for professionals. Does it get abused a little in the sales world? A little. But you can get beyond that and really make some great working relationships with LinkedIn. It’s well worth the time and investment to stand out on the platform.

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