How To Deal With Disappointment As A Franchise Business

Autumn Flowers
Photo by Parker Coffman on Unsplash

A potential franchisee backs out of an initial agreement. A new franchise is really struggling and letting you down. They’re not following your procedures. They’re causing headaches. They’re made at you for what’s happening. Maybe an existing franchisee is experiencing new struggles. Maybe it’s more than one.

There are all kinds of potential disappointment that you encounter as the owner or operator of a franchise business. Some are within your control. Others aren’t. The key is figuring out ways to deal with it emotionally so that you can figure out how to move forward for the best of the business.

Here are some thoughts for dealing with disappointment…

1. Identify Recent Positives

When first dealing with a disappointment it can be beneficial to take a step back and remember a recent positive. We can easily get caught up in recency bias. One thing goes wrong and we feel that everything is going wrong. And sometimes they do come in little spurts. Three things disappoint us maybe in the same day or few day stretch. It can feel like that will go on forever.

But take a moment to remember the last good thing that occurred. Remembering this can bring a smile to your face. it can help to remind you that good things have happened in the past and they will likely happen in the future. It’s not all a straight line one way or the other in business.

We know this, but sometimes we need a reminder.

2. Short-Term Focus On Rewarding Aspects

Another way to kind of jolt your brain back into equilibrium is to take some time to do something that really rewards you for your work. Maybe a franchise has disappointed you with something. You’re going to spend time trying to help them with the situation. But if it’s really getting to you it can be good to do something rewarding to get your spirits back up.

Take some time to work on the organization of your operation, which might be something you love and that you’re good at. Finding a small task that you can do well can really boost your spirts and get you ready to tackle something more challenging.

3. Reach Out To Current Franchisees For Positive Discussion

It can be good to get a reminder that you do have wonderful franchisees. Call one or two of them and have a little chat. Just catch up on what’s going on. They will probably tell you how wonderful they are doing. But perhaps they will bring up something that could make things even better.

These types of discussions often get entrepreneurs and managers like you really going. You’ll feel motivated and rewarded and that can help you when working on other areas of the business.

4. Be Nice In Defeat

If a franchisee or a vendor or something disappoints you it can feel appropriate to lash out. To blame them. To make them feel bad so you feel better.

Obviously these are all negative things. They don’t lead to long-term success. We know that, but in heated moments we can sometimes let our guards down.

Aim to be nice in defeat. If someone lets you down aim to really be nice to them. Try to get to the root of the problem. If a relationship is broken and you’re going separate ways try to be nice about it. Wish them well. Even if they aren’t nice try to take it and leave on as positive of ground as possible.

5. Ask, “What’s the next baby step forward?”

Finally, take a moment for a few breaths. Even if you’re really in a difficult spot you can work your way out of it. But the initial feeling could be that you need something big to happen in order to get back on track. That’s usually not how it works. It takes some baby steps to get the wheel moving in the other direction.

Consider what the next baby step is that you can take to change directions. Then focus on doing that step. Then focus on the next one. Not all at once. Just one at a time.

Having something small to focus on that you will actually accomplish helps to build back confidence and motivation.


Nobody wants to be disappointed. But in business, it’s inevitable. And often we disappoint ourselves. But aim to have the right perspective on things. If you’re ready this I’m assuming you’re struggling with it. Hopefully the tips here can at least help you get things back on the right track. Because life almost always goes in ups and downs. The ups will come back around for you.

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