Essential Reading For Business Owners On Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!

There are a lot of things happening in the business world right now.

As a business owner, it’s hard to keep up with everything.

There are tons of opportunities. There are a million different ways to go.

If you’re sitting around today looking for some articles to read I thought I’d find the ones I think have the most importance as we head into 2014. These articles are for the business owner.

Let’s get into it.

Topic: Social Media

Article: Will Twitter Someday Be As Obsolete As AOL Keywords Are Today? (HubSpot)

This may surprise some of you out there, but social media has a short history. And it’s not a good history for some of the former giants in the world. Actually the article looks at Internet companies in general.

The lesson here is to think about what would happen to your online marketing campaign if Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. just went away.

The one thing you can control is the content you create on your own site. This makes you better equipped to handle changes with marketing channels. You can always promote your content on any channel.

Topic: Mobile

Article: Want More Leads? Get A Responsive Website. (HubSpot)

This was a big change for GBW in 2013. We knew we had to implement a site that would convert visitors that visited on their smartphone. Tablets are more like regular computers to me, but smartphones are a different animal.

A responsive site with a mobile-first approach to design forces you to think about everything you put on the page. It really makes you focus on what your potential customers are seeing, reading and experiencing on your site because if they’re struggling to take it all in they’re going to leave you for the next person that has a better mobile experience.

Topic: Video

Article: 75% Of All Internet Users Will View Digital Videos This Year (eMarketer)

Video is coming on and it’s coming on fast. I’m trying to catch up with GBW. I’m experimenting with certain things trying to figure out the best way to get video into our content strategy.

People are watching more video than ever. It’s another part of things that’s changing the game.

We just talked about mobile screens. It’s hard to fit an entire text description of your service onto a smartphone screen, but it’s much easier for someone to watch a video explaining it on their smartphone.

Topic: Success

Article: 10 Remarkable Ways Meditation Helps Your Mind

Finally we have an article about meditation. I work with quite a few business owners at GBW and they’re all really smart and really great people to work with.

But I know that some of them are stressed. They’re working all the time. They struggle to keep their minds focused on family, work and all the other things that make up a crazy life.

I love reading blogs like PsyBlog and Mind Body Green. They help me figure out ways to work when work needs to be done and spend time with family, friends and hobbies when that needs to be done.

I find that I can’t do good work when I’m tired so getting sleep is a priority for me. Hopefully this article can help if you’ve been overworking in 2013.

Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!

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