Dayne Shuda

What Is Leadership?

What is leadership? Who are the leaders that you’ve followed? Who has followed you? Let’s examine…

Documenting A Process: The Advanced Guide

Any business runs on processes. Entrepreneurs often start on their own figuring things out and along the way train others to take over tasks. Here is how you can document your processes so others can take over.

What Is True Happiness?

What is happiness to you? I thought this would be an interesting item to look into especially with all the talk about life and happiness these days.

10 Reasons TV Is Ruining Your Life

For a long time my life has revolved around TV. I haven’t even realized just how much TV I’ve watched over the years. But all that’s changing.

How To Work With People You Don’t Like

Part of life is working and interacting with people you don’t like. It’s just the way it goes, but there are some things you can do to thrive if you’re in a situation like this.

What Is Motivation?

What exactly is motivation? You read about it all the time. But do you really understand what it is and how it affects multiple areas of your life? Let’s look into it…