Dayne Shuda

Letting Employees Embrace Their Authenticity

I’ve been bringing on a few new writers and even an account manager. I’m learning as I go and after reading a blog post about a study on authenticity I think I’ve learned something new.

Should Entrepreneurs Strive To Be Content?

It’s a fine line, I think, between being driven and being content. I think “content” has been a negative word for entrepreneurs. We think we need to be always working to be better. I think that’s good, but being content with life in general seems to lead to a better quality of life.

Blog Analysis: GuideSpark

GuideSpark has the goal to help businesses with their employee communication. Today we’re going to look at how they’re using a business blog to attract their business customers. Let’s see what they’re doing.

3 Small Business Hacks For Getting More Done

Are you a small business owner struggling to find more time? That’s a pretty universal situation for entrepreneurs. And it’s really a situation for many people. It’s something I’ve tried to look at and solve over the years. Here are some of the best hacks that have worked for me and/or for others.

How Much Can The Brain Handle?

This week has been hectic, but this post is not about wallowing in sorrow about how difficult life is. Everybody has something going on. This post is about how to deal with those weeks when it seems like your brain is pushed to the limit.

Blogging Analysis: Hudl

Hudl has a unique software. It’s a very defined target customer and that makes for an interesting blogging strategy. We’re going to analyze what they’re doing today and maybe look at some things they could do in the future with their blog.

Is Your Marketing Content Too Narrowly Focused?

I run into this fairly often in the blogging world, but I think it applies to all marketing – both online and offline. The thing is that the customers you want probably don’t know you exist. Some might, but the large majority don’t. So you have to create content for people that don’t know you exist. Here’s how…