Dayne Shuda

How To Develop A More Positive Outlook For Your Business

What is your outlook for your business? As the leader of your company, whether it’s just you or if it’s many people, it’s important to have a positive outlook because how you act will flow through the entire company.

Why Tact Is So Important In Business & Life

Are you brutally honest? Some view that as a good thing and I certainly think honesty is a good thing, but I think the pendulum can swing too far. A word I like it tact and if you’re not tactful in business you can alienate people and it can lead to poor results.

10 Tips For Prioritizing Your Business To-Do List

Are you too busy to get things done? It’s a big detriment to yourself, to your business and to your employees and partners if you don’t have your business to-do list in order. Here are some tips to help you if you’re struggling with this issue.

How To Get More Mobile Traffic To Your Website

People are using mobile devices more and more. Some people only use a mobile device when accessing the Web. How can you get traffic to your website from those mobile users? Here are a few tips…

5 Life Lessons You Can Learn By Watching The US Open

The US Open is going on right now. If you’re a golfer this is one of the big ones, one of the majors. I’m a golf fan. I’ve been to a US Open and it’s one of the most entertaining events of the year. Here are some life lessons to take from this test of golfing skill.

10 Ways To Get Bursts Of Traffic To Your Website

Content marketing is a great way to build traffic for your site over the long-term. It’s part of the long-term SEO game, but what about short-term traffic. It’s good to get traffic right now. If you want traffic now here are some ideas for getting bursts of traffic.

How To Create A Traffic Plan For A New Business Website

Are you launching a new business website? Starting from scratch is exciting, but there are obviously some challenges. The design is important, but let’s say you have a great website that people will love. Now comes the challenge of getting traffic…

Some Great Benefits To Spending Time Outside In The Sun

Not all business owners work in an office. But I work in an office all day and it can be challenging to get outside. I try to get outside each day and one of the big reasons is to soak in some sun. Here are some of the big reasons to get some sun in your life.