Dayne Shuda

10 Ways You Can Become A Recognized Industry Expert

You probably hear a lot about the benefits of being an industry expert. How does it happen, though? How does one become an expert in an industry? Let’s look at some of the ways you can become an expert yourself or for your company.

How To Evaluate Your Website To Make Improvements

Now is a great time to prepare some website changes for the upcoming New Year. It’s good to audit your website every few months anyway. A website is never done. Here are some tips for auditing your website…

Do You Trust Your Employees Enough?

How much do you trust your employees? Do you empower them to succeed or are you constantly expecting them to undermine the company? Here are some tips for thinking about this important element of running a business.

10 Ways To Identify A Frustrated Employee

Are your employees frustrated? By the time they let you know by outright telling you it might be too late. Here are some signs that your employees are overly frustrated, on the verge of leaving or that it’s leading to poor work.

How To Make More Time For Your Employees

Do you give your employees enough time? It’s a fine balance. You don’t want to micromanage them yet you have to provide direction. You don’t want to be overbearing, but you want to be there when they need support and input. Let’s look at how you can make more time for your employees.

Don’t Overcomplicate Things

Do you make things more complicated than they need to be? Some of us have this weird need to complicate our lives. It’s okay to keep it simple.

10 Ways To Have Better Success Achieving Your Goals

What is your success rate with achieving your goals? Most people struggle in this area. They have dreams and goals for life, but they struggle to achieve. That leads to disappointment. We don’t want that. Here are some tips for achieving your goals.