5 Tricks To Post More Social Media Content

Mac On A CouchOne of the key things I’ve noticed about social media is that the more you post the more engagement you get.

If you’re looking for followers…post more often.

If you’re looking for more engagement…post more often.

Now, this runs a little in the face of the quality over quantity debate.

But in my experience you need to practice quantity in order to reach quality. It’s true with social media. The more you post the better you get at posting.

But how do you post more often on social media?

Here are some tips…

#1. Build Content Databases

Perhaps the biggest trick for posting more often on social media is to have content to post. It seems obvious. It is obvious. But it’s not something a lot of people do.

You can setup simple databases in spreadsheets. I like to use Google G Suite Sheets for databases.

Every time I create a blog post I add it to a database. The title and the link. When I need to share something I can open the database and have tons of content to post.

You can do the same with articles you read, podcasts you like, videos you like and more.

Save it all. Share and reshare it.

#2. Schedule

To supplement your regular posting.

I use Buffer for scheduling posts.

You can’t rely on your memory and routine to post often. At least not all the time. You may be able to do it fairly often, but that isn’t enough if you really want to have an impact.

Scheduling ensures that you’re posting often and you can still post randomly when you’re feeling inspiration.

#3. Respond

If you’re struggling to find content to share or if you’re still working to build your database there are other ways to build frequency.

One is to respond to what others are posting.

You may not have people sending you questions, but you can jump into conversations.

Start with hashtags in your industry. If you see a question that you can answer…answer it.

That’s it.

It can take a bit of work, but if you get in the habit of answering, 5, 10 or even 20 questions a day it will really build up your social profile.

#4. Identify Your Preferred Content Form

Going on a little tangent here with this one…

If you’re struggling to share content on social media it could be simply an issue of the type of content you’re sharing.

Maybe you’ve heard that Twitter is great for your industry. That may be the case, but if you don’t like tweeting text then it’s not going to be great for you.

Maybe you prefer to post images. Instagram may be the best platform for you.

Or maybe you like taking little videos or expressing your thoughts via video. Then YouTube is probably the best channel.

Identify your preferred content form and sync up with the appropriate channel and you’ll likely post more often.

#5. Hire Someone

Finally, if you try all the other items above and you’re still not posting then you’re probably never going to change.

And that’s okay…

But if you want to have an impact with social media then you need to hire someone. Probably a full time person.

Lots of social media influencers have done this. They pay someone to document what they’re doing and saying. Then that person posts the content to social media.


It may seem that posting often on social media is annoying. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that if people like what you’re posting they’re going to want as much of it as they can get.

Think about someone you enjoy following on social media. Don’t you wish they would post more often?

Take the tricks above to help you post more on your social channels. Your followers will increase. Your engagement will increase. Your influence will increase.

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