5 Entrepreneur Blogging Strategies

Woman WritingMany entrepreneurs want to start a blog.

But one of the challenges is figuring out how to blog. The strategy to use that will build an audience and the attention that can help you connect with people and possibly grow your status and your business.

That’s the strategy Gary Vaynerchuk uses with creating content, blogging included. He focuses on the content as a way to build attention so he can profit from that attention. Via interest in his businesses as a result of his reputation. And also for his speaking engagements.

Anyway, one of the hangups for entrepreneurs wanting to blog is finding the right strategy.

Here is what you can do…

1. Tactics & Tips

After you’ve been in business for 10 or more years, you’ve developed some knowledge. Now, certainly the best way to continue success is to continue to learn. But you can help your own learning by sharing what you know with others and listening to their feedback. Or by posting about things you’re learning now. That can help push you to keep learning because you want to write about it.

Separate the brainstorming from the writing with your blogging. Schedule time every month to think about the tactics and tips you have used and continue to use to help your business succeed or that will help your customers.

If you sell to small businesses, share tips that have helped you that can help them.

If you sell to car owners, share tips that have helped you with your vehicles that can help them.

It’s really that simple. Some tips will be singles. Some will be home runs. The key is understanding that you won’t really know which will be which. Stick with the long-term outlook and the home runs will add up.

2. Stories

Share your stories and leave out the lessons. Let the readers glean their own takeaways. That is the best trait from all of the best stories. They don’t preach. They just let the story be itself. And everyone can take something different way.

Share stories about your business life. Share stories about your personal life. Share stories about observations of your customers.

3. Hobbies

Don’t be afraid to blog about your hobbies. One of my favorite business blogging success stories was a lawyer that wrote a blog only about golfing. Favorite courses, swing tips, interviews and a lot more. All about golf.

It seemed crazy. Golf, on the surface, has nothing to do with the legal world. But the lawyer realized that many of his clients loved golf. He knew that he loved golf. He blogged about it and got more clients.

4. Q&A

If you’re still struggling to come up with ideas for posts, simply ask your customers what questions they have. About your industry. About their lives and their work.

Then start answering them with blog posts. Start with the ones you know the best. If you don’t know the answer, research it or find someone to interview that you can publish as a post.

You can then start looking in other places for questions. Industry forums. Industry blog comment sections. Comment sections on YouTube.

5. Off The Wall

Not the Michael Jackson disco album…

But something completely off the wall. See what your competition is doing. See what your colleagues are doing. If it seems boring it probably is. See if you could do something totally different.

The hobby idea is close to this, but you could take it even further.

Look at yourself. See what your personality is and where you’re not afraid to get a little silly. Maybe you enjoy writing short stories. Write those stories and publish them on your company blog.

It could fail, but so what? You’re already probably not getting interest in your blog. But something off the wall has a chance to really stand out in your industry.


Choose one of these ideas and go with it. Give it one to two years. You should start seeing some progress by the end. Signs that you’re doing well. You’ll have a few home run posts. Learn from what does well and what doesn’t. Hone in on what’s working.

And also experiment with the other strategies. Just now and then. You might find that one of them shows real promise. Then you have something to expand on in the future if your current strategy starts to fade with readers.

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