25 Sources Of Knowledge That Will Get You More Customers

Need blog ideas? Tap into the knowledge within your company.

Everyone and every company has something valuable to share.

That’s the reason why we do business at Ghost Blog Writers.

We believe that you have knowledge to share with your target customers. We feel it’s our job to help you share that knowledge so more people can discover your brand, which gives you the opportunity to earn their trust and their business.

To facilitate this sharing of your knowledge we work with companies to help them tap into the sources of knowledge within themselves.

Here are 25 sources of knowledge that will get your more customers. Some of these sources are probably ones you didn’t even realize you had right within your own company.

1. Founder

The founder of the company is usually the one that’s been involved in every level of the firm since Day 1. Ask him or her a few questions about the business and its original customers. The information you get back can make for great blog post material.

2. President or CEO

Sometimes this one and the previous one are the same person, but sometimes they’re not. The current (or past) President of your company has the unique ability to see the business from a high level point of view. They have a strategic relationship with the target customer. Ask them how they think about the process for best serving the customer. There should be some great information in the answers.

3. Director Of Marketing

Marketing is the department that supposed to know everything there is to know about the customer including the questions and problems those customers have. Reach out to this person and ask about their experience with the customer over the years. You should get some information that can easily be turned into blog posts.

4. Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are usually one step below the CMO. They’re working on individual projects or ventures. They’re doing the research on the customer including new opportunities. A great source of knowledge about the customer, which makes for good marketing material.

5. Merchandiser

I view merchandising and marketing as one unit. They work together to really get inside the head of the customer. The merchandiser or person in charge of choosing products for the customer is one of the best sources of information. Usually they have knowledge about products that won’t even be released for a few months. That’s blogging gold.

6. Product Manager

Product managers are similar to merchandisers, but they probably take a wider role than selecting the product. They follow the product throughout its lifespan. They see how customers interact with the product.

7. Vendor

Your vendors work in a specific area of your business all the time. You have to spread yourself out more, but your vendors have a specific niche focus on a certain topics. To write great material on that topic you can use the knowledge your vendors are usually more than willing to share.

8. Customer Service Rep

This is one of my favorites. We’ve discussed it on the blog a few times. Your customer service reps are the people on the front lines dealing with customers. Not only do they speak with customers, but they have to answer all kinds of customer questions. Those answers make for some of the best marketing and blogging material you will ever find.

9. Designers

Designers are often shunned into their offices to “make things pretty”. Don’t discount the value of your designers. Number one, they’re doing something for you that earns more sales. Number two, they’re getting inside the head of your customer and figuring out what will make that customer purchase. That’s a huge knowledgebase to use for lots of marketing material.

10. Returns Manager

Like the customer service rep, the returns manager sees all the issues your customer is having. They might relate to your products and services. They might relate to your business processes. Those issues and the answers you provide every day make for great blogging material. You can bet if your customers are sending back items with explanations that other people are searching for the same answers online.

11. Sales Manager

The sales manager has experience on the front line. They usually have years of experience dealing with people. They know the common questions and they know the best answers.

12. Sales Specialist

See “Sales Manager”, but now you have someone currently on the front line with the customer.

13. Project Manager

The project manager is the person working on projects, doing research or in some cases they’re the person working with your current customers. They hear the customer complaints, problems and issues and it’s their job to find the answers to keep the customer happy.

14. Secretary

Think about all the communication that comes across the secretary’s desk. They hear all kinds of things from callers and through email. There is a lot of knowledge in the heads of secretaries. Don’t be afraid to ask them for input into your next blog post.

15. Front Desk Attendant

See “Secretary”. Again, you have someone working with the people that come through your front door. They hear about issues and they know the proper responses to provide.

16. Consultant

Like vendors, your consultants have specific focus on something that involves your business. They’re usually more than willing to provide you with some additional insight. After all, you’re paying them good money to provide advice.

17. Email Manager

Your email manager has tons of information about the way your email customers react to certain types of content. They can help you formulate blog posts and they probably have a few topics that will work well.

18. SEO Manager

Your SEO manager is looking through the keywords your customers are searching for. They’re using this information on your site and you really should be best friends with this person if you’re in charge of blogging at your company. Work together to figure out what the online customer is searching for and provide answers to those questions.

19. PPC Manager

The PPC manager does the same thing as the SEO manager, but they’re going after the terms differently. They know a lot about your customer and you can use that knowledge to create valuable blog posts.

20. Social Media Manager

Search is one way your customers get content. Social is the other big medium. To really figure out what your customers are doing on social media you have to talk to the manager. Learn about your customer. See what questions they’re asking on social media and answer those questions with blog posts.

21. Social Media Software Contact

If you’re involved in online marketing you probably have some kind of social media software. Your provide will have someone that you can reach out to for help. This person knows the ins and outs of the social industry. You can really figure out how your customer uses social media and tap into some information for posts.

22. Analytics Manager

This person knows everything about what your customers are doing online with your website. They know popular pages, posts, etc. Use their knowledge to create blog posts that you know will work.

23. Analytics Software Contact

Your analytics software contact will know about your customer at a broader level because they work with all kinds of companies and they see the information customers care about.

24. Email Provider Contact

Again, your email contact will know how your customers interact with email. Great resource.

25. Copywriter

Finally, your copywriter has the task of creating copy your customers care about. They know how to get customers to take action. They’re in their heads. Use the copywriter’s knowledge to learn more about what your customers care about most.

Hopefully these will help you tap into the knowledge that already exists within your company. This is the type of information your customers are looking for and when you publish it online they’re find it and discover your company, which will lead to more business for you.

Image: Tessss

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