10 Hashtags For Private Practice Healthcare

Blood PressureThere seem to be a few more private practices opening in the healthcare industry.

Especially in the alternative health areas.

These organizations are usually small. They’re usually streamlined and lean.

That can be great, but it can also mean that online marketing efforts have to be lean and mean as well.

If you’re in charge of the online marketing for a private practice one thing you can do to boost engagement is to use more hashtags.

Here are the best ones to use:

  1. #Health
  2. #HealthyLifestyle
  3. #HealthyFood
  4. #Life
  5. #Happy
  6. #Exercise
  7. #Help
  8. #Tips
  9. #Doctor
  10. #’YourLocation’

1. #Health

Let’s kick it off with the most obvious one. With these hashtags we’re looking for context. We want to get content in front of the right people. But we’re also looking for the number of eyeballs. So I tend to go more general with the hashtags, but this one is a no brainer for private practices. People are looking for health information. A lot of people are looking. And private practices are full of great information to share.

2. #HealthyLifestyle

Building on the last one. This one surprised me a bit, but has a very strong following. But the more I thought about it the more it made sense. This would work well when sharing tips for living a healthy lifestyle. It would work well with sharing workout photos or stretching photos on a platform like Instagram. Lots of potential uses.

3. #HealthyFood

Food is interesting. I think people generally know what healthy food is, but many of us struggle to actually eat the things that are good for us. We drink soda and sugary juices and drinks. We grab snacking chips and things like that. We avoid vegetables. We’re our own worst enemy. And we look to doctors for ideas for meals and healthy food.

4. #Life

This one might not seem like the most obvious one, but I use it a lot for various situations. We’re all living a life. We’re all looking for the key to happiness for ourselves and what makes for a good life. Health certainly is a major part of a good life so that’s why this tag works well for doctors.

5. #Happy

Another one that might be a little out of left field, but most people would say that being healthy has a major role in being happy. Being able to move. Being able to live independently. So many things related to health lead to happiness. That’s where this tag works so well.

6. #Exercise

A more obvious one. Doctors do give the advice often to eat well and exercise. But sometimes the details are lacking. If you’re looking for more engagement on social media for your practice then share more details on how to exercise. They don’t have to be anything crazy or off the wall. Simple how-to information with this hashtag can be great.

7. #Help

Maybe not an obvious one. It won’t apply in all situations. You could actually use this one for a little social media listening where you can interact with people looking for help with their health. But there are situations where you can use this when sharing tips and how-to information for diet and exercise.

8. #Tips

This one works for a variety of industries. People are looking for all kinds of information online. You can bet people are looking for health tips. How to alleviate pain. How to exercise. All kinds of things.

9. #Doctor

This one was an obvious one, but I didn’t want to start out with it. The tag doesn’t have a ton of followers and eyeballs. It has a good number, but not as much as you might think. But it would make sense, obviously, to use it for much of the content you share.

10. #’YourLocation’

We’ll end with one for your location. Your city. Your state. Your neighborhood. As a local business, it’s a great idea to become popular in your area for all things health related. This one is overlooked, but your potential patients are looking for information in your area. Even if you share a health tip you can use this hashtag to really focus in on potential patients.

Don’t be afraid to use all 10 tags when you’re sharing info. You might get the occasional question, but the return will be much greater than any negativity. People want to discover content. They follow hashtags. You can reach people by using 5-10 tags with each post. Especially if you’re sharing good tips and how-to info or entertaining and educational photos on Instagram.

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