Blogging Tips

How to Write Yourself into Existence

Marketing guru Dan Kennedy famously “wrote himself into existence.” But in a time when AI written content is fast becoming the norm, platforms like Medium and Substack are fiercely competitive, and blogging of any kind in any niche is well beyond saturated, is it still possible to write yourself into existence? Yes, it is. But your efforts can’t be haphazard. Here’s how to gain some traction with your writing. Clarity on Your Strategy is the Foundation You must become known for something, not anything. While you may need to experiment with a few approaches and topics to find resonance, you can’t be jumping all over the place if you want to write yourself into existence. Top online personal development blogger

Define Your Customer

Something I often see with business bloggers is a struggle to write content for their clients. Often, business owners will write posts with various people in mind. By writing for many people you really don’t provide anything useful for your true core audience…

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