Skava Attracts Top Online Retailers With Their Blog

Skava Blog Analysis
Skava has a tall task trying to target big retailers with its blog.

Skava helps top retailers with mcommerce.

It looks like they have a number of solutions and work with top retailers.

They seem to work with mobile websites, apps, tablets and much more. They do omni-channel solutions, which mixes various channels so there is cohesion in the customer experience.

It’s definitely something that’s in demand. Many stores and other traditional sellers have been playing catchup when it comes to the web and then mobile came along and it was even more of a challenge to catchup.

So that’s where Skava provides a need.

Our focus now is to look at how they’re attract their target reader, retailers, with their business blog.

Let’s get into it.

1. Screenshots & Examples

I’ve been seeing more screenshots in blog posts and Skava did just that with this post.

I’m sure they’ve done it with many other posts as well.

The blogging world is very visual. Text can go a long way, but visuals can help especially for a post like this. The topic is social media and how a few of those channels have influenced shopping.

The screenshots add a lot to this post to show the reader (top retailer professionals) exactly what social shopping looks like right now. That’s obviously a topic those target readers are interested in and the screenshots and examples in this post go a long way to making a point and providing value.

2. Trends

This is a big focus on the Skava blog and for good reason.

When you’re around business leaders you will find that they’re always trying to stay on the pulse of their industry.

I used to work for a catalog company that was moving into ecommerce and mcommerce. the leaders in the company were starving for information on those two topics and would read about it all the time.

And they would come across blog posts just like this one from Skava. I remember getting a few emails from my boss to posts like this one with the simple message, “What do you think of this?”.

I would then read the post and it would make the rounds in the company.

That usually meant a few people in the company would read about the trend, but they would also creep further into the source of the information and if the source had a product or service that we needed we might reach out.

So that’s why these trend posts can work well. The target reader is looking for information like this and if you can feed that demand over and over you’ll build your profile in the industry and earn new business.

3. List Posts

This is a pretty basic point or observation, but I wanted to point it out again.

Lists posts, like this one from Skava, are still some of the best posts for a business blog.

When a reader opens up a post like that they see something that is easily read. It’s looks much more appealing to read than an article with a bunch of paragraphs and no headings.

It’s difficult and intimidating to read big blocks of text. We can scan lists and that’s why they remain some of the best posts out there for any industry.

List posts get a bad reputation from some people, but they are still some of the best posts you’ll read and if you have a business blog you will likely want to include them as a regular part of your efforts.

4. Curating Content

We’ve seen this in a few of the analysis posts we’ve done.

Skava does it on occasion. They find an interesting post, add their own thoughts in a leading paragraph and then reproduce the post that they found.

Here is one example.

The benefit of doing this is that you add content to your blog and website. Curating and finding good content and sharing it with your readers is providing value to them.

I would say that it’s a good way to add-on to the content you’re doing as part of a blogging strategy. I don’t know if there is a good percent of curating to do versus regular blogging, but I would recommend doing more regular blogging.

It’s kind of like social media sharing. That mix might be different. You might share 80% other people’s content on social media and 20% of your own.

With a blog it might be the opposite with 80% being your own original posts.

And one quick note – it’s still always a good idea to link to other posts and sources. I get asked if outbound links are good and they really are great and add value to the posts you create.

5. Promoting Upcoming Events

A blog is a great place to talk about in-person events that you’ll be participating in. I really like what Skava did with this post. They talked about an upcoming event and how they’ll be there and where people can find them if they are also at the conference.

Skava talks about omni-channel with its product. They understand that the online world is really not that different from the real world. It’s about meeting new people, making connections and building relationships.

That’s what blogging is about too.

Skava sells a product to top retailers, but it’s the people at each company that work together.

Final Thought

Skava is another company doing some really great things with their blog. I scrolled back through a good number of their archived pages and there still seemed to be a lot more to go. It looks like they have a great frequency and that they have been blogging for quite some time. I would imagine that they have had success with the blog and they’re an example of what any company can accomplish with a commitment to a business blog.

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