
How Long Does a Tweet Last?

There is a GREAT post on SEOmoz about the lifespan of a tweet. It’s a great and in-depth look into the data behind Twitter. You won’t want to miss it if you’re using Twitter.

More Struggles with Facebook

It seems lately I’ve been coming across more issues with Facebook. Now, I don’t want to pile on, but I want business owners to understand that there are limitations to hosting an entire online campaign with the social network.

Are Facebook Pages Even Worth It?

Facebook is in the news again and again it’s about the Newsfeed. Some businesses are freaking out over lost traffic from Facebook after Facebook cracked down on spammy posts. Well, this is one of the dangers with using Facebook as your focus on the Internet…

More Comments on Country Music Life

One of my personal sites, Country Music Life, has been getting more comments lately. There are a couple reasons I think this is happening.

The Wisconsin DNR Launches New Blog

Not only are more businesses launching blogs there are other organisations getting into blogging too. Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to see that a local organization in my area is launching a blog.

5 Outside-The-Box Sources of Blog Ideas

Coming up with something to blog about is an issue for some writers. When you set a schedule for blogging and you try hard to stick to that schedule you will find yourself without an idea. Here are five unique ways to find inspiration.

Nobody Writes Bad Content

Nobody sets out to create bad content. In fact, I would argue that there is no such thing as bad content. It’s a subjective thing and the only ones missing out – potentially – are those that aren’t creating anything at all.

Who Is Reading the News on Tablets

It’s important to understand who is using a tablet to read the news and other content. Tablets are a device used to consume content and when you understand who is using them you can align your content strategy.

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