Dayne Shuda

Has The Internet Destroyed Customer Loyalty?

Some think the Internet has destroyed customer loyalty. The idea is that with all the choice on the Internet, people don’t need to remain loyal to one company. Here are my thoughts…

How to Protect Your Business Website From Google Updates

Over the last few years Google has gotten aggressive with cleaning up its results. With each update (and there are hundreds each year), Google cleans up the Web. Here is how you can protect yourself from potential setbacks.

Get Over The Fear of Sharing Tips and Tactics

Businesses struggle with the idea of blogging sometimes because they fear sharing tips and tactics. The fear is that by sharing this information the company will make itself useless to clients. It’s time to get over this fear for a few reasons…

How to Develop Client Rapport With a Small Business Blog

For small businesses, rapport is an important element in client relations. Large companies might be able to get away without connecting with clients, but for small businesses it’s a must. That’s where the opportunity is for small businesses that blog.

How to Use Blog Posts to Create eBooks

Something most people may not realize is that blog posts and ebooks often contain the same content. Here is how you can use your blog posts to create in demand ebooks…

How Valuable Are Blog Comments?

One question we get at GBW involves blog commenting. When it comes to business blogging and making money do comments really matter?

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