7 Ways To Leave Blog Readers Feeling Satisfied

Beach SunsetWhen people leave your blog feeling satisfied, they may come back for more content. They may tell others about what you do. But at the very least they feel good. And that’s a win from a business perspective.

Sometimes our goals for blogging get a little askew.

It’s easy to think that someone reading a blog post should visit your homepage, see what you sell and then make a purchase.

That rarely happens.

People, after all, are only in buying mode about 3% of the time. And that’s probably on the high end of the estimate.

But when someone leaves a blog post of yours there are still some very positive takeaways. Leaving them satisfied is more than enough of a win to validate the effort.

So the question is, how do you leave a reader satisfied?

Here are a few ways…

1. Answer Their Question

This is the #1, most important thing you can do for your blog reader. They likely came to your post to find some information. Usually an answer to a question. That can be practical, like “How do I tie my shoes faster?” or it could be a curiosity like, “I do wonder what seven things are in the Pacific Ocean that I never knew about…”

Take the aim to answer the question people are asking for each of your posts. You’ll fall short on some, but over time you’ll be doing a lot of good and leaving a lot of people satisfied after they visit your blog.

2. Keep It Simple

There is no set number of words or photos or anything like that for all answers to questions on blog posts. Some people actually prefer video or audio. But it’s a pretty even split between those and the written word.

For blogging, focus on keeping your post simple, but satisfying. Enough content to answer the question. Enough background on you and why you’re an expert and can be trusted. Enough so the reader can take action if they want.

This is something you’ll have to learn over time. The more you blog the more you can see what types of posts do better. Try long ones, short ones, etc. Do your best to fit the length and style to each question you’re answering.

Typically, we fault on the side of being too complex. So try to make things simple.

3. Tie Loose Ends

This is an offshoot of answering questions.

How many times have you asked someone in person for an answer and after they think they’re done you still have a few followup questions…

It happens in person. It happens in movies. It happens when we read books and all kinds of other content.

It’s impossible to be perfect with tying up loose ends, but do your best to think of the most common followup questions people have as it relates to the topic you’re discussing.

4. Give Them What They Need, Not What They Want

Another way to look at blogging is a little presumptuous, but it can work.

Often, we look for and work for things that aren’t really in our own best interest. Not all the time, but probably more than we realize.

Pixar, the animation studio, has made it a value proposition that their films follow the rule of giving their characters the ending that is right for them, but not necessarily the ending those characters want.

In Toy Story, Woody wants to get rid of Buzz so he can reclaim Andy’s full attention. Buzz, unaware that he’s a toy, wants to leave Andy’s room. In the end, Woody realizes life is pretty good with Buzz and Buzz realizes that life is pretty good as a toy.

In Cars, Lightning McQueen wants nothing more than to win the Piston Cup. After spending time in Radiator Springs, he makes it to the race and does well. He’s about to win, but stops short, letting his fiercest rival win. McQueen goes back and helps an aging car, The King, cross the finish line one last time.

These are stories, but it can work with blog posts as well. And with videos and podcasts. You have to be careful. You have to really be sure that what you’re providing is useful.

I’m a hunter and this video is a great example: #1 Scent Attraction For Rutting Bucks

The Answer: No Scent…

5. Don’t Bother Them

Every time you bother or interrupt or annoy your reader you’re risking an ending where they leave satisfied. I don’t think it’s worth the risk.

Popups are the biggest culprit. And many content sites are using 2-3 popups or even more. With email requests and ads and all kinds of things.

My advice, don’t do it.

6. No Bait And Switch

This is part of the risk with #4. You don’t want to bait and switch readers. However, I think that the example in #4 is not a true bait and switch. You’re telling readers that what they expect for an answer is wrong.

A true bait and switch might be using a title for a blog post that has nothing to do with the question they are asking. So not only are you not answering their question, you’re tricking them with a misleading title to steal their attention and then not answering their question. Possibly even trying to sell something.

Don’t do it.

7. Share Your Story

I find that the more details I share about my life and experiences, the better my posts are. They perform better. They seem to leave readers more satisfied.

It’s not always easy talking about yourself. But it’s important to let the reader know your history. With little stories. With credentials. They want to know the background of the information you’re providing.

Final Thoughts

Satisfaction is a key ingredient for a lot of successful things in life. Having a focus on satisfying your readers can lead to better posts and better brand recognition and lots more. Hopefully these tips can help you create better blog posts.

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