Blogging Success at Lion Brand Yarn and Marriott

There was a great article from Ilana Rabinowitz – vice president of marketing at the Lion Brand Yarn company on Social Media Explorer.

Blogging Success at Lion Brand Yarn

Here’s a snip from What Can You Expect From Your Corporate Blog?

Ultimately, blogging needs to lead to revenue. If you’ve benefited by consumer insight, and developed trust, you are already contributing to the process of making a sale.

For a more direct link from blogging to sales, we look at Google analytics, which tells us the rate at which people who visit our site convert to buyers. Although we don’t expect the same conversion rate from our blog as from our newsletter, we find that our social media, including the blog, convert at a higher rate than other referring sites.

I just highlighted a bit of the article on revenue. It’s worth five minutes to read the entire article for more on Lion Brand Yarn’s experience with blogging. There is great insight from Ilana.

My Thoughts

It’s good to see high conversion rate for a company as a result of their blogging efforts. If you read the entire article you’ll notice even more benefits the company is seeing from their blogging activity.

Also highlighted in the article was a bit about Marriott.

Results, of course do vary. I recently spoke on a panel with the director of digital for Marriott, who shared the fact that his CEO, Bill Marriott’s blog, generates 12 million visitors per year and $4 million in revenue from readers who click-throughs to book rooms.

There is some actual revenue generated from blogging activity and that’s likely only the direct revenue generated from blog traffic. Marketing analysts are starting to look at different attribution models that could potentially give blogs a bit more of a share in the revenue pie as visitors come to blogs, but may not purchase the first time they visit or even on any visit from the blog. They could still purchase products or services with a company as a result of a first visit to a blog via a search engine though.

In the past we’ve looked at how more businesses are blogging each year. Those businesses are seeing an increase in traffic to their websites and as we can see with Marriott revenue.

You’ll start seeing more examples like this in the future of businesses experimenting with blogging and finding ways to improve their efficiency while increasing revenue. It’s a worthwhile activity to create content. To do it right takes dedication and people to actually create the content.

What is your company’s content creation strategy this year?

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